Vega Threading - BP Multithreading

It would truly be a pity if there were no updates in the future - but even in it’s current state it is a great tool and given the low price, I’m more than happy with it. Compiles and packages with 4.17 fine, so ultimately no big deal thus far.

Please can you confirm how you got it to compile under 4.17? I have tried using your instructions but I must be missing something.

Can you explain how please?

Instructions how to get the Vega Threading Plugin working with 4.18 (works for 4.16 and 4.17 as well)

  1. Create a new 4.18 C++ project through the launcher (make sure to click the “C++” tab under New Project! don’t worry, you won’t be doing any coding)
  2. In your new project’s directory, create a “plugins” folder
  3. Install Vega Threading for 4.15 through the launcher.
  4. Find the Engine plugins directory (for me it is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.15\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace”)
  5. Copy “VegaThreads” from the Engine plugins (4.) to your project’s plugins directory (2.)
  6. Close any open Editor instances.
  7. Open your new project, it should prompt you with “The following modules are missing …] rebuild them now?”
  8. Confirm with “yes”


  • Go to Edit->Plugins and make sure “VegaThreads” is installed and enabled.
  • Recreate this [^] in your level blueprint
  • Run the game, if it says “Hello” at start, you were successful, congratulations!

Finally, you can move the VegaThreads folder from your project’s directory to the plugins folder of your 4.18 Engine installation (for me it’s “C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\UE_4.18\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace”) to be able to use the plugin in all of your 4.18 projects.

I was able to package a project with this plugin for the Windows (64 bit) platform with no issues.

**Troubleshooting: **

  • Install Visual Studio Community Edition (make sure to check the UE4 specific packages during installation!) & try the above again
  • If step 8. fails, open the project in Visual Studio (run the <projectname>.sln file), there in the Solution Explorer window, right click on your project name and select Clean, and when it finishes repeat but select Build.

Thanks for this. I am using 4.18 and it is working ok in the editor but when trying to package up I am getting the “unresolved externals” errors. Can anyone help?

any updated about this one for 4.20?

There haven’t been any updates since 4.15
Time to move on.

You can look into some alternatives:

Multi Task (Free): Multi Task in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
BPThreads ($5): BPThreads in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

To allow this to compile to 4.20 or 4.22, go into [FONT=trebuchet ms]VegaThreads.Build.cs, and change Line 7 to

[FONT=courier new]public VegaThreads(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)

May or may not work (I’m getting crashing with certain usecases), but at least it will compile.