Using full root motion animations

I’ll figure that out in a second. But look i still think your root motion toggle is somehow inverted… Check it out.

I’m trying to controll WalkFwdStart animations and whe I play them in Persona they work fine. but calculated direction in anim controller is passing not acurate angle

This is done by using Calc Direction function wit inplace animation. How can I use this function properly with root motion?

What does your blendspace look like?

for root motion I have to manualy call Calc Velocity to have proper Velocity value, but then Calculate Diretion doesn’t work. It doesn’t give proper angle.

It does give the proper angle. If you rotate the character directly with that value you can see that it rotates properly. It’s the blendspace/root motion that is the problem.

i print screen the direction every frame and direction is not right…

if it was a problem with blendspace/root motion then it would not work in Persona

“Since version 4.6, Root Motion is now handled per animation and can be toggled on/off in the animation�s properties in Persona.” and doesn’t need of montages

Right below that it says “Please note that at the time of writing that you still need to use an AnimMontage for your Root Motion to be applied successfully.”

Because the text was written before 4.6 was released

please leave it. it’s just broken…

It’s not, it’s part of the same update.

All they’re saying is the toggle to turn root motion on/off is now located in the individual animations instead of the montages, but you still need montages for root motion to work.

FYI, when you are viewing root motion properly through persona, you don’t actually see the rotation or the translation, because you are only viewing the skeletal mesh and the rotation/translation is being applied to the actor.

“In other words, your skeletal mesh is rotating because of the animation, but your actor isn’t. You can confirm this by putting a sphere component in the blueprint. You’ll see that your actor is actually never rotating at all.”

in content examples whet you delete the montage from owen’s anim controller and put simple animation with root motion it will still works so you don’t need montage to play root motion. screen - this works and is moving with his capsule and the capsule is rotating to face Owens (mesh) rotation

in the first place I want to make my character to move to click location (first move) then i will think how to rotate him (but i will try this rotation test)

What character blueprint are you looking at? I don’t see any character blueprints that use the “RootMotionAnimBlueprint”.

This is the only character that uses that root motion animation blueprint.

Unless you changed the Default Pawn Class in the GameMode or wrote your own script, there’s no way to possess that character in the ContentExamples project. And even if you did, that animation blueprint doesn’t have any input control so the animation would just walk away on it’s own.

play the level and he will walk. i have got brand new content example project without any modyfications (except changing montage to siple root motion animation)