Use C# to script in Unreal Engine 4 now, courtesy of

I am pretty confident that Mono for Unreal will have a comparable licencing than UE4, it will probably not make sense otherwise… I believe it has not been announced yet since it is not yet a polished product

Regarding Mono scripting advantages in game engines, performance etc, I found article quite instructive

They don’t really have a plan for yet, as it isn’t a product. So I doubt they plan on creating special licensing, as they don’t have much of any plans.

Disagree massively here. I did C++ for ten years and then took up C# and the simple fact is generation of languages allows you to create code so fast compared to C++. Just not having to deal with headers/libs/includes and the infinitely faster compiling, but not having to deal with memory overwrite crashes and missed deletes. No one will deny C++ is faster execution speed, but to say that someone equally skilled in both languages wouldn’t code significantly faster features in C#. Remember we’re talking properties, events, async, foreach, GC, and all those things that shave huge chunks of development time, particularly for those less experienced in C++ which is far from without its strange nuances, C hangovers and complicated build processes. It’s kind of ****** to say people who can code but find C++ intimidating should just make do with a visual scripting system like blueprints, and the more languages supported the better.

I’m dying for full C# bindings for reason. I’ve done plenty of C++ but there is no comparison. It’ll be the fastest of the three systems, blueprints due to their visual nature and simplicity for sake of artists / designers, it would take a lot longer to piece together a complex system for the game purely in blueprints when you’re placing constant nodes for calculations that could be typed in a few characters in code. After a certain level of complexity it’s a code thing, or you’d at least want power to create blueprint nodes with code driven functionality, C# and being able to liberally use List<String> and HashMaps and other things with nice inbuilt language features over stuff like boost or the stl. With simpler build process, it’s going to be attractive to many people.

I think C# support, even if third party, is a must in the long term to get indie devs on board, so very pleased to see .

if you ask me, will be bought by Microsoft and all the license and cost issues won’t be a problem any more. could be happening sooner then you might think :wink:

Why do you say that?

Totally off topic but are you the same lemmy101 from the project zomboid dev team?

Yeppers, just investigating future options. :smiley:

Project Zomboid 3D maybe?

I love project zomboid btw!

Really wish you guys the best no matter your project :slight_smile:

People keep saying that with absolutely no basis whatsoever… they basically say that because they hope, because they don’t want to pay for additional things on top of VS. The problem is, for many people Mono is only viable because MS doesn’t control it.

I think it happening is inevitable since Microsoft can easily use it expand .NET into other platforms, which is actually important for their cloud business and could use it to compete with Java. It would also get a lot of mobile developers into the Microsoft eco-system. There was a VS14 survey sent out a few months ago asking about opinions when it came to cross platform development too. I’ve been waiting for it to happen for a year or so now and I still think it will at some point but I’m not banking on it.

whole thing they started and is already unsupported; They are stuck on UE 4.4…

Why should epic comment ? They give you full C++ sources, you can integrate any language you want, you do it, you deal with it, is not Epic problem!

Wow, I am sorry but I disagree with almost all what you said here. C/C++ is much powerful that you think, but I don’t want to start a C++ vs C# here (what you actually want in your post).

Is very simple to talk about performance, any single added layer over C++ results in performance lose. Period.

I’m not arguing about C# vs C++, I’m arguing that there are many reasons a developer, particularly an indie developer, would want to write in C# and that is welcome news.

Even if there is a performance hit or you don’t have quite the power is massively useful to a lot of people and makes Unreal a lot more attractive a choice as a game engine for indies, and I’m glad for it. That is all.

I’d recommend to at least seriously look at UE4 C++ before jumping to conclusions. It’s heavily customized with lots of macros and special types. No manual memory management either. It uses a lot of modern language features (btw there *are *for each loops in C++ 11, see Range-Based For Loops in C++11 -

Yes you will have to maintain header files and manage includes, sure, but wether that is worth betting on a third party solution with a slightly questionable future that even in the first installment doesn’t support the current UE4 version will be up to you.

I’m all for options, so don’t misunderstand me. Just saying to carefully weigh the pros and cons. For a scripting alternative to blueprints I personally don’t find C# nearly as appealing as the upcoming Skookum Script, a very lean language specialized in creating game logic.

Of course - I’m weighing up Unreal for future options, prob more than a year down the line, and it remained an option before hand. With the introduction of it’s got a whole lot more interesting though. re: them being a version behind, it’s early days. Will see where it is when it gets to that point and fingers crossed its grown. Just glad to see someone’s working toward it. :slight_smile:

Good. We will be able to finally get rid of mono.

  • .NET Native should make very viable cross platform development/

I’m in group. Third party add-ons just mean more documentation to wade through and more dependencies that have to be updated with every engine change. From a pure practicality standpoint it’s better not to get too loaded up with dependencies. A good part of my job is tracking down just the sort of issues that arise when sort of thing happens - believe me when I say it gets expensive…

Omg. Under MIT license.

year is awesome. UE4, open source .NET.

“Nerdgasm” does have meaning. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like its on GitHub right now.

So, Microsoft didnt buy . The big news is that .Net is being openend up to Linux and MacOS.

I was at TechED Barcelona few weeks back, and a Microsoft guy hinted somewhere in direction. My guess was MS was buying , I guessed wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

Still, could be very interesting for .Net developers and UE4 now .Net will be available on all platforms!

Also they have launched the Community Edition of Visual Studio :smiley: