USD and MaterialX

Nothing special, just imported the sample file and changed the render context.
Which UE version are you using?

ok, got it, seems like the sidefx file doesn’t reference the materialx directly, instead its embedded inside usd, honestly right now, can’t use this If I have to export and reference every material I have in solaris, either sidefx makes a way to reference Shader objects themselves or Unreal would be able to read this no problem in the future. hopefully both, I’m going to use Unreal materials for now, I can assign it inside solaris using unrealMaterial property, also those chess pieces have inverted y in the normals, I assume you need to add the orientation property to leftHanded or disabling subdivisionScheme so normals would auto compute, IDK this needs more time. be testing this again if anything new comes up.


Do you mind sharing a couple samples of the USD with embedded MaterialX from Solaris? I will pass it to the devs.


Here I uploaded one example of an USD file with an mtlx shader assigned exported from Houdini.

Here is how it loads in Unreal 5.4.3:

On the following link, you will find two videos:

1 - Houdini rendering with Houdini VK and Karma H20.5
2 - Arnold in Houdini rendering the exported usd with the baked mtlx.

Also the exported .usd file and the .hip file that I used to export the usd:

Let me know if I can help with something more, cheers!

@UE_FlavienP you are right.
Time has passed and I continue to test MaterialX in Unreal.
One thing I could never figure out was the triplanarprojection approach, especially with normal maps (vector3).
I took the test file from @Gladiator_FX95 and added some more geometries and materials (mtlx files). If you load “test_stage.usda” with Unreal (I tested with version 5.4.2 with Substrate enabled) you can see the failed attempt to apply the flake texture using triplanar mapping. (5.0 MB)
Has anyone successfully used triplanar projection?
If you want to have a look at the shader graph, I recommend to download Quiltix (