UnrealEditor (MacOS) doesn't quit, have to force quit every time

Running on

  • MacBook Pro M1 Max Sonoma 14.4.1
  • Unreal Engine 5.3.

The Epic Games Launcher can be quit without any issues by right clicking it and selecting quit in the Dock.
The UnrealEditor however stays open, it doesn’t react to that, I have to go to the ActivityMonitor and force quit.
So when opening one project, closing that then opening another project and closing it, I have two UnrealEditors open, when opening and closing a third project it simply adds to that.
It doesn’t even look like that the Editor is crashing (I think I only got once or twice a crash report window), most of the time there is no crash report window, so I guess the editors didn’t crash.

Anything I can do here?


Same here.
MacBook pro M2 Max
32 GB
Sonoma 14.4.1
Unreal Engine 5.3 and 5.4

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Same for me. Just force quit three instances of UE 5.4 open on dock (but not open anywhere in terms of a working window). Happens every time.

MacBook Pro M1 Max (16-inch, 2021)
Sonoma 14.4.1
Unreal Engine 5.4


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I am having the same issue - UE 5.4 must be force quit after the program has quit. Sometimes, the crash reporter will need to be force quit, also.

MBP M3 Pro 14" (2023)
OS 14.4.1
UE 5.4.1
UE project based on blank VP scene

Otherwise, UE is running as well if not faster than on my PC.

Hey Mac users, are you able to connect live link face to your machine- I can’t get it to connect.

Same issue here. It’s super annoying to have to force quit every time.

MacBook Pro M1 Max (2021) Sonoma 14.5
Unreal Engine 5.4.3


Came here to also confirm that it does not quit, even when using UnrealEditor in the menu, and quit.

Sequoia 15 Beta
Unreal Engine 5.4.3

It could force quit faster when holding option button and right click the icon from dock. But I`m still looking for native shut down btw, hope this helped.


Same here, official release of Sequoia 15.0, UE5 5.4.4. ( macbook pro M3 pro )


Using Unreal 5.4.4 and MacOS 15.0 when I quit the editor there is always an instance still running without a window. Must force-quit. This did not happen until I upgraded to Sequoia.

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Ugh so annoying. I was hesitant to upgrade to Sequoia for this reason.

Can anybody confirm that this did NOT happen before Sequoia?


Can confirm this issue was not present on macOS 14.6 (at least for me). I upgraded a couple days ago, and this same thing started happening to me - tried running with and without debugging, etc. At least when connected with a debugger I can just force-stop from there :sweat_smile:

Here are the last few logs I get in Rider as it’s closing:

Log          LogSlate                  Slate User Destroyed.  User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
Log          LogExit                   Preparing to exit.
Log          LogUObjectHash            Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took   0.33ms
Display      LogPython                 Object '/Engine/PythonTypes.add_controls_for_selected_options' was externally referenced when shutting down Python. Forcibly releasing its Python resources!
Display      LogPython                 Object '/Engine/PythonTypes.search_replace_name_dialog' was externally referenced when shutting down Python. Forcibly releasing its Python resources!
Display      LogPython                 Object '/Engine/PythonTypes.add_prefix_dialog' was externally referenced when shutting down Python. Forcibly releasing its Python resources!
Display      LogPython                 Object '/Engine/PythonTypes.add_suffix_dialog' was externally referenced when shutting down Python. Forcibly releasing its Python resources!
Display      LogPython                 Object '/Engine/PythonTypes.do_rename_dialog' was externally referenced when shutting down Python. Forcibly releasing its Python resources!
Display      LogPython                 Object '/Engine/PythonTypes.import_ik_rig_options' was externally referenced when shutting down Python. Forcibly releasing its Python resources!
Display      LogPython                 Object '/Engine/PythonTypes.ControlOutputFormat' was externally referenced when shutting down Python. Forcibly releasing its Python resources!
Log          LogDemo                   Cleaned up 0 splitscreen connections, owner deletion: enabled
Log          LogExit                   Editor shut down
Log          LogExit                   Transaction tracking system shut down
Log          LogExit                   Object subsystem successfully closed.
Display      LogShaderCompilers        Shaders left to compile 0
Log          MemoryProfiler            Shutdown
Log          NetworkingProfiler        Shutdown
Log          LoadingProfiler           Shutdown
Log          TimingProfiler            Shutdown

That TimingProfiler log is the last one I see before it hangs.

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Never happened to me, until I pushed that shiny upgrade button…


Same issue for me. Looking at other replies, it looks like it’s not a hardware specific problem, but has been happening since MacOS Sonoma.

Macbook Air M2 15"
MacOS Sequoia 15.0
UE 5.3.2


same here (((

Apple M1 Pro
32 GB
Sequioa 15.0


Same here. Never had this issue until I recently updated to Sequoia. I have a feeling there’s a disconnect of some sort between the new Apple software and Epic that needs to be fixed

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Same here, also packaging does no longer work.


Yes, fix please

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Packaging succeeds when the terminal window is manually closed. This suggests that the ‘quit bug’ affecting Unreal’s packaging process may be due to its inability to automatically close the terminal window.


Having the same issues…I have to force quite the editor and any packaged builds…also same issue with builds where you have to close the terminal window manually for the build to finish.

M2 Macbook Air