Unreal Engine 5.5 Preview

no. this has nothing to do with unreal 5.5. this is just a general problem that I got going on that I can’t even fix at this point. Nothing I can do about it anymore

try building from source

(post deleted by author)

What’s happening :thinking:

Any easter eggs

@duchamp @Acolori_Medien @Amanda.Schade

Much like what I have demonstrated in my previous video, the same problem is still present in the official release of 5.5 where both Step Interpolation and Constant settings for key frames get ignored.

I have made this new clip which goes a little more into depth about the problem, and hopefully this gets resolved because it’s really inconvenient at this point.

On a positive note, the 5.3 NVRTX real time Pathtracing custom build is pretty sick! I’ll just be sticking with that, until animations go back to properly working in the main releases.

Yeah I’m also seeing this across multiple projects that use steam or have a few c++ modules/plugins. Seems like the stack size was reduced between 5.4 and 5.5 or something recursive is happening due to the ue5.5 include order? It’s taken me a bit to hunt so I’m not really sure atm what the actual cause is. I’ve seen post on source discord, VRE, oculus start and other forums about it thus far. All the same with pie and standalone running fine yet shipping throws a fatal error with callstack overflow …. To clarify this is happening in 5.5 release as of this post.

happening to me as well in UE5.5 NO PREVIEW!

Did you see my post in release?

DX11 SM5 lumen isn’t available at all anymore which is sad as it was by far the fastest GI rendering pipeline for older hardware and worked flawlessly on lower end hardware.

I dug through every mention of lumen in the release notes here
Unreal Engine 5.5 Release Notes | Unreal Engine 5.5 Documentation | Epic Developer Community | Epic Developer Community

not a single mention of (deprecating lumen support for DX11)

Lumen no longer working in UE5.5 DX11 SM5 - Development / Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums

Update: They are giving us a flag to toggle SM5 SWRT back on in DX11 :slight_smile:


Im getting the same issue with an almost blank build using Unreal 5.5 when making a production build


Epic obviously does not care about issues the community is raising. (184 votes atm)

Ue5’s TAA has MASSIVE ghosting trails compared to the TAA that was in 4.11.

And screen space shadows needlessly abuse TAA when the original implementation epic took from does NOT REQUIRE TAA to remain stable.

Epic has increased the cost of clouds by 350% despite me warning about this in preview phase and still relies on TAA smear to hide jitter.

Lumen’s still doesn’t fix resolve or smearing issues.
They still incorporate ditherAA in several effects like reflections and LOD fade.
They also lack a workflow for high res meshes that promote GOOD perormance.

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