Unreal Engine 5.4 Released

Nanite Tessellation not working on landscape with Brushify material and I lost 30 FPS just by enabling this…

Hey @AaronVFX - Would you mind sharing a screenshot of what you have setup in 5.3? :smiley: I’ll take a look but I want to make sure i’m getting as close, if not the same, as yourself in terms of setup


Which button do I push to get the oft-discussed rendering performance upgrade? :stuck_out_tongue:

Same project, same settings, same exact assets and camera/asset placement (I couldn’t tell you why 5.2.1 is rendering 100 more draws and 1k more prims, or why it would still perform 10FPS better on average for all that), all I did was package in 5.2.1, duplicate the project to 5.4, and package from there.

Seems like 5.4 has done… something to optimize draws/prims, but it still performs worse. Do I need to toggle something to enable the changes to the RHI? Does it not apply to Vulkan? Is there some hidden default that’s been changed without me knowing between copied projects? Or is this just accumulated bloat slowly weighing everything down?


Editor crashes navigation in viewport stating that (ray tracing) encountered Segments/Materials mismatch. Number of segments: 1. Number of Materials: [ x ].
I don’t understand if the problem about one or more model or foliage or terrain.

UPDATE: No foliage or terrain
UPDATE: one or more models in the scene causes the crash; they are bound to a data layer and now, everytime I open the editor the camera spawn in front of them and then crashes…

Is there a way to set the data layer unloaded or the initial camera position from outside the editor?

UPDATE: Is the text render actor using the font that I made

Does anyone else have a problem with foliage? I have the following code that moves my trees. Everything works great when I place the trees normally, but as soon as I paint it as foliage, the trees start to stutter since version 5.4.

Here’s a short video to illustrate the problem: https://youtu.be/uqVKiAsyHpA

Your draw time indicates that your are cpu bound. Did you let your game compile all the PSO’s after packaging? I did some performance tests on projects like city sample but the timings where unreliable because the in packages project unreal is now compiling pso’s in separate threads.

It seems like the Path Tracer Adaptive Sampling framework is in place, but doesn’t seem functional at the moment is that right? Or is this reliant on any additional project settings to function?

I have my project using DirectX 12, running on a 4090.

Enabling the CVARs for adaptive sampling, error threshold, and visualization seem to do nothing. VIsualization 2 does turn the screen purple, but no heatmap is visible during rendering.

Do you have a stat gpu screenshot like this?

I’m hoping at least you’re getting editor problems that’s like 2ms of worse performance on the GPU.

Try launching game from both project files, that way you get no editor problems but can still profile.

Revision control doesn’t work at all in 5.4, and this has always worked for years and years. Using SVN and verified connection and login settings are correct. No matter what I try I keep getting errors like this:
“SourceControl: Error: Failed to connect to revision control. Check your settings and connection then try again.”


Constant crashing for me in 5.4. Just creating a basic landscape and applying a material to it. Also tried another clean map with a few Megascans assets in it and it crashes with the same “ShaderCompileWorker terminated unexpectedly” error. Even had the same error during the loading screen(whilst compiling shaders) on launching some of my 5.3 projects. I have a beast of a machine (7950X, 4090, 128GB RAM) TDRdelay etc setup and it still constantly crashing :frowning:

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How to make Pathtracing work on linux? I’ve enabled all necessary options, restarted the editor, but Pathtracing option is missing in the Shading menu. In 5.3 it was available, but not working.

Kubuntu 22.04, RTX 3060, driver 545.29.06

Finally downloaded 5.4 release version and compiling shaders, the engine is smaller which is appreciated a lot.

I’ll be testing performance soon.

Epic(for better motion) TSR in 5.3 cost 2.7-3ms at 1080p on 3060. That’s 10x the cost of TAA for a arguably small improvement for motion. Even with changed variables for clarity.

In 5.4 Epic TSR cost 3.4ms and with r.TSR.16BitVALU.Nvidia 1 cuts to down 3.1ms.

Turning off history resurrection+ r.TSR.16BitVALU.Nvidia 1 gets it down to 2.8-2.9ms.

Please move away from accumulation as they requires excessive jittering=more past frames=more issues with motion blurring. This is the problem with every upscaler including DLSS basic walking motion. TSR 5.4 is actually quite pleasant but the cost is still excessive and it hates foliage still.

Are the performance improvements regarding TSR are conditional? I will gladly share my results with any recommended scenarios between versions or should I wait for a driver update?

hi @mageaster ,
Looks like it probably wont appear in 5.4 until you enable console commands in this post
Solved : Cant Enable RayTracing in UE5 (gtx 1060)(Nvidia Pascal) - Development / Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)

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Same here. Today, just to be sure, I created blank new repository to test it - nad it doesn’t connect either.

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I think so? I’m not sure how long it would take PSOs to compile for a static shot, but I can’t imagine it’d exceed 10+ minutes from game start. I’m also not entirely sure how to parse stat UNIT these days, in DX11 builds your frame time was the highest of game, draw, and GPU (whichever of those 3 was highest was your bottleneck) but you can see that the frame time in both cases exceeds the highest single value so it’s not clear to me whether the draw thread is the actual bottleneck or not.

Also, it’s probably a good thing that I’m draw thread bottlenecked, if so, right? The purported optimizations in 5.4 were all about parallelization of that specific thread, it wouldn’t mean much to have Draw optimized with RHI parallelizations if I was game thread bound

Sure, though STAT GPU profiling chews up FPS like crazy so these numbers are kind of false. I’m not sure what to make of any of this data specifically, it looks like a death by a thousand cuts, 0.1ms here and there and everywhere in render velocities, shadow depth pass, etc.

Also worth noting that these are fully cooked/packaged Windows builds in both cases, no editor present.

Child widgets with a slot have their slot contents deleted on migration from 5.3 to 5.4 :expressionless:

hi @Jimbohalo10 thanks for your answer! Unfortunately, it didn’t work. And honestly, I can’t see why it should.

Hi Matthew, thank you, and sure thing, will do.

I’m right in the middle of rendering my scene out of the engine, once this is done I will upload a screenshot or two for you so you can recreate the shader :+1:

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While upgrading a project from 5.3.2 to 5.4 I’ve noticed while working on EnhancedInput loud hard disc (standard SSD) crunching noises, something which not previously occurred.