Unreal Engine 5.3 Released

Good, I’ll be testing the performance for improvement checking.

Can you guys make UE5.4 focused on game performance now?
NEW UE5.4+ feedback: Start working on and investing in PERFORMANCE innovations for actual GAMES.

I may have posted this before but It has been edited and updated with many more issues and problems with the UE5 mindset. Specifically Nanite and these fast links:

“Fast links to my post and replies related to this topic.
Post #2–Definition of optimizing.
Post #3–AI workflow for UE5 for optimizing static meshes. -Possibly the best investment Epic could make in.
Post #4–Why 30fps is not acceptable and where FN’s 6 billion revenue should go.”

I understand that Nanite is supposed to help developers not “waste time” developing LODS.
But Nanite is not the way. Take a wall mesh from the City Sample. It was something like 200,000k tris? Just because Nanite makes it usable doesn’t mean we should?
(Btw even if the mesh is lower poly, it will have worse performance with Nanite)

Using the modeling tool, I decided to scale down the mesh to around 4500K tris using the UE standard simplifier.

Spoiler alert the mesh looked awful. But if I had gone though the hour of work to optimize the mesh myself, I would have just flattened down some detail via baking in the detail with some fake parallax occlusions.

Mostly likely with some time and miner intelligence, I probably could have scaled down that modular building piece down into a very good looking 4000k- tris mesh. Yes some detail would be lost geometrically but still see-able in a gameplay situation.

Why go through the work? Because it will beat Nanite out of the park with performance.
Now a lot of studios are not going to hire a someone to do the monkey job(Legit, making a high poly actually game ready is a long tedious project that requires minor intelligence and training).

Minor intelligence and training but it takes a long time? Why the hell are we not handing this workflow off to AI!
The Nanite workflow is destructive to consumers due to the performance overhead of Nanite. It only servers developers. NOT GAMERS. And maybe virtual production.

The AI workflow in the post that can massively help developers the same way Nanite saves them time. And the performance boost from the intelligent meshes would help gamers.

This is one idea not far-fetched at this point. Other things tht could help performance is by making more optimization in Lumen and VSM’s in computing efficiency via more focus calculations on actor mobility.