Unreal Engine 4 is available for Win10 UWP app dev now

Adding the call to AddLocalUser did fix the problem. I might not be performing it at the most optimal location but it did stop the exception from occurring.

FOnlineLeaderboardsLive doesn’t inherit from a tickable component, which we might have to include if calling DoWork is needed.

Btw, where would I see the posting? I don’t see anything in the Xbox Live portal on my Windows machine nor anywhere on the Dev Portal.

@ - As mentioned above, I added FTickableGameObject to the FOnlineLeaderboardsLive class, along with a couple of other support functions:

class FOnlineLeaderboardsLive : public IOnlineLeaderboards, public FTickableGameObject

    virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;
    virtual bool IsTickable(void) const override;
    virtual TStatId GetStatId(void) const override;

bool FOnlineLeaderboardsLive::IsTickable(void) const
    return true;

TStatId FOnlineLeaderboardsLive::GetStatId(void) const
    static TStatId statId;
    return statId;

void FOnlineLeaderboardsLive::Tick(float DeltaTime)
    Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Statistics::Manager::StatisticManager^ mgr = Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Statistics::Manager::StatisticManager::SingletonInstance;
    if (mgr != nullptr)

The class does tick and DoWork is called with each tick (maybe not with some exclusions, such as it’s not ready).

With that should I be able to see my Leaderboard updates (assuming I did it correctly)?

According to the content on this page:


the stats should be visible on the Xbox One dashboard, and on the Xbox app on Windows 10. Unfortunately I don’t see it. I’ve been re-reading several pages with no luck seeing the stat:


Is there a difference between the C# (https:///Microsoft/xbox-live-api-csharp) and C++ (https:///Microsoft/xbox-live-samples) API’s?

This may be a dumb question. . .but could I be inadvertently using the wrong libs/dlls? I would think that the underlying call to the service would be the same though regardless of which was used.

@ - I don’t think the update to the leaderboard/achievements is working. I read the documentation and my settings look right but I don’t see any indication on the Xbox for Windows 10 Achievements. Are you able to investigate this on your side?

@ - I’m hoping not to get too far ahead as there a couple of other issues that I noted.

Now I’m trying to test on the Xbox One but unfortunately the Xbox Device Portal deployment fails. Is there an FTP option available?

@ - A smaller application size worked. I was able to build and deploy the UWP Third Person sample onto my Xbox:

And running on the Xbox:

This confirms (mostly) that my steps are correct, and my setup is working.

The test game size is: 85.4 MB
The actual game size is: 3.53 GB

When I try to deploy my game the Xbox Device Portal timesout. Is there something I can do?

With Windows Explorer I can copy my AppX file but I don’t know where it should be copied to and how to install it (yet):

Using Register a game from a shared network location on the Xbox One Dev Mode console I am able to install my game, which is 3.53GB in size.

For those that may not know, this is a two step process:

  1. Share the folder:
    a. From Windows Explorer right-click the folder name and select Share with and Specific people…

  1. Enter the needed location and credentials on the Xbox One:
    a. Select Register a game from a shared network location
    b. At the Add a network share screen enter the location to the AppX manifest, for example, \COMPUTERNAME\Releases\2017.07.08.UWP\LongshotHero
    c. At the Username enter: COMPUTERNAME\username, and password

A few ideas on the stats update:

  • Make sure you’ve checked the box to ‘Feature on players’ profiles’
  • If you’re not already, you should capture and process the returned events from the DoWork call on the StatisticsManager. These might provide some clue if there’s an error encountered.
  • Try retrieving the leaderboards in your own code - this will be the only way to display global leaderboards in any case, since the dash/Xbox App focuses on social.

You beat me to it on deployment to Xbox. There are indeed some limitations on package size at the moment, and using a network share or deploying loose files are the best options for working around them.

I think the ‘Feature on players’ profiles’ is what concerns me the most. It isn’t shown on my ‘New featured stat/leaderboard’ dialog:

I’ve seen this mentioned and other peculiarities in the documentation yet it isn’t visible on mine. I was hoping that a Dev Center Portal update was coming.

How do I attach to the DoWork events call stack? I’ll look for it but if you happen to know that may save me a bit of time.

It will be something like:

auto EventList = Manager->DoWork();
for (auto Event : EventList)
	if (Event->ErrorCode != 0)
		// Event->ErrorMessage should have more details

@ - where can I find the log written to in the below code:

    Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Statistics::Manager::StatisticManager^ mgr = Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Statistics::Manager::StatisticManager::SingletonInstance;
    if (mgr != nullptr)
        auto EventList = mgr->DoWork();
        for (auto Event : EventList)
            if (Event->ErrorCode != 0)
                UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("DoWork error: %s"), Event->ErrorMessage->Data());

I placed a breakpoint in the ErrorCode block but it was never hit. Most likely an error never occurred.

That would go to the regular log file. For UWP without a cook server this is %localappdata%\Packages{Package_Family_Name}\LocalState{Project_Name}\Saved\Logs{Project_Name}.log. You should also see it in the Project Launcher output window if running using the Project Launcher, or in the debugger output window if running under the debugger.

Sounds, though, as if an error is not the problem. I suspect the stat is not actually getting the ‘Feature on players’ profile’ flag, and it sounds as though there may be no way to apply that in the current UI for Creators Program titles. Have you had a chance to try retrieving the stat in your own code yet, (e.g. via StatisticManager::GetLeaderboard)?

Trying to read the leaderboard now using the Stats Manager. Since ReadLeaderboardsAroundUser wasn’t implemented I decided to replace its function body:

bool FOnlineLeaderboardsLive::ReadLeaderboardsAroundUser(TSharedRef<const FUniqueNetId> Player, uint32 Range, FOnlineLeaderboardReadRef& ReadObject)
	//UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("FOnlineLeaderboardsLive::ReadLeaderboardsAroundUser is currently not supported."));
    if (!LiveSubsystem)
        return false;

    const FOnlineIdentityLivePtr Identity = LiveSubsystem->GetIdentityLive();
    if (!Identity.IsValid())
        return false;

    const FUniqueNetIdLive UserLive(Player.Get());
    Windows::Xbox::System::User^ XBoxUser = Identity->GetUserForUniqueNetId(UserLive);
    if (!XBoxUser)
        return false;

    Microsoft::Xbox::Services::XboxLiveContext^ LiveContext = LiveSubsystem->GetLiveContext(XBoxUser);
    if (LiveContext == nullptr)
        return false;

    Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Statistics::Manager::StatisticManager^ mgr = Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Statistics::Manager::StatisticManager::SingletonInstance;
    if (mgr != nullptr)
        FOnlineLeaderboardRead olr = ReadObject.Get();
        TArray<FColumnMetaData> cols = olr.ColumnMetadata;
        for (FColumnMetaData data : olr.ColumnMetadata)
            mgr->GetLeaderboard(LiveContext->User, data.ColumnName, );

        return true;

    return false;

Unfortunately I need a third parameter for the mgr->GetLeaderboard(LiveContext->User, data.ColumnName, ); call.

Hi there,

I would love to get our existing 4.16 game project running as a UWP project. I have:

  • Got the latest UWP UE4 Engine from GitHub
  • Run setup.bat
  • Registered the UWP Engine folder as an engine installation
  • Changed the engine association of our existing project to the UWP Engine
  • Right clicked on our existing project and selected “Generate Visual Studio Project Files” which completed successfully
  • Opened the solution file in VS2015
  • Cleaned the solution
  • Set our game project as the startup project and hit build

I get the following error:

2> Module.UWPDeviceDetector.cpp
2>C:\P4\IDA_UWP\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UWPDeviceDetector\Module.UWPDeviceDetector.cpp : fatal error C1093: API call ‘ImportFile’ failed ‘0x80070002’: ErrorMessage: The system cannot find the file specified.
2> Description: The system cannot find the file specified.
2> HelpFile: complib.hlp
2>dbsbuild : error : aborting build on error (2)
2>ERROR : UBT error : Failed to produce item: C:\P4\IDA_UWP\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-MovieSceneTools.lib
2> Total build time: 35.58 seconds (SNDBS executor: 0.00 seconds)

Has anyone else experienced this?


Yes, in another post I’m trying to use the StatisticsManager::GetLeaderboard call but I haven’t worked out the third parameter yet.

bool FOnlineLeaderboardsLive::ReadLeaderboardsAroundUser(TSharedRef<const FUniqueNetId> Player, uint32 Range, FOnlineLeaderboardReadRef& ReadObject)
    if (!LiveSubsystem)
        return false;

    //Currently Xbox One only supports single column leaderboards. If more than one column is requested, fail the request for now.
    if (ReadObject->ColumnMetadata.Num() > 1)
        UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("Failing Leaderboards request for multiple columns. Xbox One currently only supports single-column leaderboards."));
        return false;

    const FOnlineIdentityLivePtr Identity = LiveSubsystem->GetIdentityLive();
    if (!Identity.IsValid())
        return false;

    const FUniqueNetIdLive UserLive(Player.Get());
    Windows::Xbox::System::User^ XBoxUser = Identity->GetUserForUniqueNetId(UserLive);
    if (!XBoxUser)
        return false;

    //Microsoft::Xbox::Services::XboxLiveContext^ LiveContext = LiveSubsystem->GetLiveContext(XBoxUser);
    XboxLiveContext^ LiveContext = LiveSubsystem->GetLiveContext(XBoxUser);
    if (LiveContext == nullptr)
        return false;

    //Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Statistics::Manager::StatisticManager^ mgr = Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Statistics::Manager::StatisticManager::SingletonInstance;
    StatisticManager^ mgr = StatisticManager::SingletonInstance;
    if (mgr == nullptr)
        return false;

        Platform::String^ StatName;
        if (ReadObject->ColumnMetadata.Num() > 0)
            StatName = ref new Platform::String(*ReadObject->ColumnMetadata[0].ColumnName.GetPlainNameString());

        if (StatName->Length() == 0)
            UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("Failing Leaderboards request. No statistic requested for friends leaderboard."));
            ReadObject->ReadState = EOnlineAsyncTaskState::Failed;
            return false;

        ReadObject->ReadState = EOnlineAsyncTaskState::InProgress;

        // Clear out any existing data

        mgr->GetLeaderboard(LiveContext->User, StatName, nullptr);
    catch (Platform::Exception^ ex)
        UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("GetLeaderboard failed. Exception: %s."), ex->ToString()->Data());
        ReadObject->ReadState = EOnlineAsyncTaskState::Failed;
        return false;

    return true;

I’m using ReadLeaderboardsAroundUser since it previously wasn’t implemented for my tests. I can replace the ReadLeaderboards function if I can get it working properly.

Do you know about the LeaderboardQuery parameter?

Documentation and Dev Center Portal is a little out of sync. For example, the documentation in item 1 states that Xbox Live Creators Program members are using Data Platform 2017. Item 2 though shows a discrepancy between the documented portal and the dialog presented to me on Dev Center. More importantly, and something I’m concerned about, item 3, which was posted just a few days ago on July 6, 2017 makes use of different signatures.

  1. https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/games/xbox/docs/xboxlive/xbox-live/leaderboards-and-stats-2017/player-stats

  1. https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/games/xbox/docs/xboxlive/xbox-live/leaderboards-and-stats-2017/player-stats-configure-2017

  1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/xbox-live/leaderboards-and-stats-2017/player-stats-updating

Again, for item 3 with the different function signatures, given that it was just published it leads me to question my usage of the API. Which one of is correct?

Am I using the correct DLL’s, and hence the correct interface? If so, why the continued publishing as shown in item 3.



Just verified the contents of the WINMD file using IDLAsm:

That at least confirms which DLL I’m accessing.

I can build and run from within Visual Studio 2015, but when I try to create a package from within UE, I get the following error -

UATHelper: Packaging (UWP (x86-32bit)): MSBuild: UWPPlatform.Automation.cs(214,63): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Tools' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) ...\engine\Engine\Source\Programs\AutomationTool\UWP\UWP.Automation.csproj]

Any thoughts?

@PhilMaguire - The UWPDeviceDetector module that’s failing is a little special in that it takes a dependency on a Win10 SDK winmd component (Windows::Devices::Enumeration::DeviceWatcher) in order to locate UWP devices on your local network (for e.g. in-editor deployment to an Xbox). Do you have the Windows 10 SDK installed (for VS2015, I’d recommend 14393)? If so, my only other thought is that maybe there’s an incompatibility between SNDBS and use of winmd - that’s not something I’ve tried. If necessary you can turn off use of winmd components in the editor via the branch-specific config variable bUseWindowsSDK10ForEditor (goes in the /Script/WindowsTargetPlatform.WindowsTargetSettings section, set it to false). But you might quickly run into similar issues with the UWP builds themselves.

@anonymous_user_1267f45c - I think you should just create your own LeaderboardQuery object (warning: forum code)

using namespace Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Leaderboard;

auto Query = ref new LeaderboardQuery();
Query->SkipResultToMe = true;
Query->MaxItems = 100;
Query->SortOrder = SortOrder::Descending;
mgr->GetLeaderboard(LiveContext->User, StatName, Query);

You’re definitely using the correct libraries. Some details/history: the Xbox Live SDK comes in two flavors: a pure, standard C++ version (which is mostly what you see in sample code these days); and a WinRT projection (also written in C++, as a layer on top of the pure C++ version, and usable from C++ as well as other WinRT-compatible languages). The latter version actually predates the former, and back when Epic first created OnlineSubsystemLive for Xbox One it was the only version available. As a result, it’s the version that UE uses.

As for the different UI between the doc images and the actual portal, I’d encourage you to provide feedback through the standard Creators Program channels since it’s not a UE issue. That’s the kind of thing I’m sure they’re interested in hearing about from early adopters of the Creators Program.

@Sparkash - There’s a NuGet reference in UWP.Automation.csproj - we use the Windows Device Portal Wrapper (source here) to assist with deploy and launch on remote UWP devices. If you haven’t built that project in VS at least once then the reference may not have been resolved and downloaded. Once the necessary assembly is in place you should be able to package in the editor. (I’m going to try to move the resolution step into Setup.bat when I get a chance.)

If it were only that easy :slight_smile:

error C2248: 'Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Leaderboard::LeaderboardQuery::LeaderboardQuery': cannot access private member declared in class 'Microsoft::Xbox::Services::Leaderboard::LeaderboardQuery'

I can’t instantiate the LeaderboardQuery. C# (https:///Microsoft/xbox-live-api-csharp/blob/master/Source/api/Leaderboard/LeaderboardQuery.cs) looks nice and cleaned up:

Unfortunately I haven’t found the matching repository for the DLL we are using. The “older” version (https:///Microsoft/xbox-live-api/blob/master/Include/xsapi/leaderboard.h) does have a similar setup:

But neither code matches what is in the WINMD file:

The items enclosed by the red box are not one for one in the source that I am referencing. The WINMD doesn’t look like there is a public constructor, unless I missed it.

Are we able to access the repository for the Microsoft::Xbox::Services DLL?

Well bother!

Source is here, but looks like the XBL SDK release currently in use by OnlineSubsystemLive missed the latest change which adds the necessary public constructor, hence the problem.

Once again you could try revving the version in GetXboxLiveSDK.ps1. Looks like latest is 20170710.1 (see this page). And as before this may or may not require rebuilding EraAdapter.

After updating UWPPlatform.Automation.cs (PDBCopyPath for VS2017 Community Edition), OnlineSubsystemLive.Build.cs (XsapiVersionUwp), and modifying the GetXboxLiveSDK.ps1 ($xsapiVersionUwp), running the script, then running GenerateProjectFiles.bat, an error is returned.


FileReference PDBCopyPath = null;

// VS 2017 puts MSBuild stuff (where PDBCopy lives) under the Visual Studio Installation directory
DirectoryReference VSInstallDir;
if (WindowsExports.TryGetVSInstallDir(WindowsCompiler.VisualStudio2017, out VSInstallDir))
	PDBCopyPath = FileReference.Combine(VSInstallDir, "MSBuild", "Microsoft", "VisualStudio", "v15.0", "AppxPackage", "PDBCopy.exe");

// Earlier versions use a separate MSBuild install location
if (PDBCopyPath == null || !FileReference.Exists(PDBCopyPath))
        const string VSCommunity = @"E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community";
        PDBCopyPath = FileReference.Combine(VSCommunity, "MSBuild", "Microsoft", "VisualStudio", "v15.0", "AppxPackage", "PDBCopy.exe");

        if (PDBCopyPath == null || !FileReference.Exists(PDBCopyPath))


public class OnlineSubsystemLive : ModuleRules
	// Should match versions in GetXboxLiveSDK.ps1
	readonly string XsapiVersionUwp = "2017.07.20170710.001";
	readonly string XsapiVersionXboxOne = "2017.05.20170517.001";
	readonly string CppRestVersion = "2_9";


# Package versions.  Should match OnlineSubsystemLive.build.cs
$xsapiVersionUwp = "2017.07.20170710.001"
$xsapiVersionXdk = "2017.05.20170517.001"

The script reports that the SDK is installed, and already installed. However GenerateProjectFiles.bat shows the following error:

Error: Xbox Live SDK (version 2017.07.20170710.001) not found.  Run Engine/Plugins/Online/XboxOne/OnlineSubsystemLive/GetXboxLiveSDK.ps1

What am I missing?

Btw, ThirdParty\XSAPI only shows the XboxOne SDK not the UWP as before.

Ugh, after download and unpack the version number on the NuGet package is 2017.07.20170710.01 (note one 0, not two). So that’s the string that needs to go in the download script and build.cs. Would be nice if this were consistent…

Side note: I’m a bit concerned that you still need to make the adjustment for PDBCopy - does WindowsExports.TryGetVSInstallDir not already report “E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community” in your environment?

Removing the 0 from the script and OnlineSubsystemLive.Build.cs fixed the GenerateProfectFiles.bat error and the SDK is downloaded properly now.

// Should match versions in GetXboxLiveSDK.ps1
readonly string XsapiVersionUwp = "2017.07.20170710.01";

As for the PDBCopyPath problem, without my change I wasn’t able to Package my game with UWP in the UE4 Editor. I can try it again though and let you know later. . .