Unreal Engine 4.8 Pre. 4 Steam Issues

Oh thank you, can’t beleive that I over looked that, unfortunately though this didn’t solve my problem, I first changed it to 500 which resulted in more gibberish in logs, then changed to 9000 and received same result

I’ve attached a log from somebody hosting a listen server and somebody trying to join, whilst Max Search Results was at 9000.

Just in case these are at all relevant, second image is continuation of first;

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There’s a bug (UE-18151) that causes a delay inside a For Each Loop to cause Loop to only iterate once, for final element of array. So what’s happening in this instance is you’re creating an array but only attempting to join last one. Try removing delay.

Incidentally, I assume there’s a max limit to Max Results, but I’m not sure what it is. I doubt that 900 is anywhere near necessary, and may cause some unintended side effects. Still, remove delay and see if that helps any.

Alright, Yea I assumed there would be a limit on Max Results but I didn’t know what it was or what would work best, I’ve now tested it set with : 50, 100, 500, 9000

I have now deleted delay but still to no avail, my prints are now :

I’ve added logs; I think that failure occurs here, although I could be wrong:
[2016.01.13-21.55.15:809][102]LogOnline:Warning: Async task ‘FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamJoinLobby bWasSuccessful: 0 Session: Game LobbyId: Lobby [0x186000068BD315F] Result: ‘4’ k_EChatRoomEnterResponseFull (Chat room has reached its maximum size)’ failed in 0.303320 seconds

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That error message is just saying you weren’t able to connect with session, probably as a result of a mismatch as described above. Judging by log, I’d say you’re still only attempting to join one session for some reason. It might be worth exploring a more thorough approach if you keep running into this problem.

I’d take a look at Multiplayer Shootout example. There are some issues with UMG setup that makes it not work all time (due to a change in how widgets are handled between levels between 4.7 and 4.8), but if you open up logic used in widgets you’ll see how it works. Basically, it creates list of each session found and allows user to select which one they want to join.

Alternatively, you might try creating an array of found sessions, then call a custom event. In custom event, attempt to join first session in array, and if join fails, call event again. Throw a counter int variable in there to track where you are.

Again, since this seems to relate to a problem with dev id being used across multiple users, this probably won’t be fixed anytime soon if at all since having your own custom dev id will solve that in actual game. For testing purposes, you may just need to work around it. However, if you’d like me to test project out on my end to confirm that it’s same problem (I don’t run into problem here), I’m happy to do so.

Okay, thanks alot for your help, I understand that it is purely due to AppID but you can’t blame me for worrying that it isn’t, I would really appreciate it if you would test project that i’m actually working on rather than a blank project if that’s at all possible? I will just carry on working untill I get an AppID if it is just down to that.

Hey I just realised file size and it is far too big to transfer, Sorry about that my mistake, I would really appreciate it if you would still look at blank project though?

I uploaded it to filedropper
, thank you.

Hey, just tested it out, and as long as I change Create Session node’s Public Connections to something higher than 0 (you had it at zero in this example, which will definitely create a situation that won’t work), it works in a packaged game across two systems.

Feel like an idiot for missing that but altering it still did not fix my problem, In fact now It won’t find session where usually It would print out Server name, I don’t recall changing anything other than public connections.


Just got this working, connected to a match finally, changing search results back to 500 and its working, thanks alot for help, got to try this on my actualy project.

Just curious, when you package game do you get “Steam API disabled” with that project? Because I do.

Where are you seeing it? In in-editor log, or log from game session?

Yeah i am seeing it in Output from packaging

Ah, yes. That’s normal. I’m not sure why it’s there, but if Steam API wasn’t actually used, you’d never see Steam Overlay in packaged game.