Unreal Engine 4.6 Released!

Will the new UMG as 3d widgets work in VR? Also, I’m guessing the new skin shader hasn’t been made compatible with VR yet?

Can we get some clarification on the TSubobject<> change? Should we be implementing the private with Get() Set() functions stating with 4.6 or 4.7? I see that making them private will happen in 4.6 (edit I mean 4.7) but what about the Get() Set() can/should we start using them now? Do these Getters and Setters need a certain signature? I am very glad to see the TSubs go (I never felt like I understood WTF I was doing with them), but now with the freedom comes questions :slight_smile:

is extremely impressing!
I have now been using UE4 for 6 month and the amount of updates on a bi monthly basis is staggering.
The releasenotes witness to the quality and professionalism and drive of your team.

You are an inspiration!
Thank you

Just updated to 4.6 - get told that my UMG widgets have compile errors (didn’t in 4.5.1) - so I open a widget - engine crashes.

Opening any UMG widget crashes the entire engine…Playing the game crashes the entire engine.

I subscribed for 4.6 - looks like I’m stuck with 4.5.1

Thanks Epic for another awesome release!

Hi Kenomica, please report the crash to AnswerHub so we can help. Sorry for any frustration.

Hi Kenomica, please report the crash to AnswerHub so we can help. Sorry for any frustration.

Hi, thank you I will do that once I’ve tried to figure out why it’s happening so i can add more information to the post (nobody wants an answerhub question saying “doesn’t work.”)

Apologies if my post came across as unkind or aggressive, It is very frustrating but I do appreciate all the work you guys put in, both the team working on the engine and the support team who have always been more than helpful.

is awesome. Will there be any example projects or tutorials for the new networking tools?

Will using FeatureLevelSwitch node be fine with ? Ie use 20 shared samplers for SM5 and use 10 for SM4 (so it compiles for GL as well)?

No, actually level SM4 supports 128 just fine in D3D. It’s an OpenGL limitation specifically. We may make a SamplerLimitSwitch in the future so you can use a ton of samplers but still make the material compile on GL platforms.

did the experimental cylinder projection make it into the release? How do I get working? Thank you

Thank you again for amazing release!

Great Work!

Wow! Thanks guys, is an awesome update! I’ve only had time to play with the materials and shared textures - The 128 textures for materials has some serious implications! Loading up a 4.5 project and recompiling the materials also fixed all my landscape woes - and the landscape painting is working very nicely. can’t wait to get into the other features!

Quality stuff as always, can’t wait to dig into it. =)

Is the bigger WORLD_MAX of 20 kilometers actually playable with no precision issues at the outer extremities with physics and networking?
The increase is made possible by improvements and updates from physx?
Was enough extensive testing done?

[= ;186432]

  • A Custom node will now accept a connection from a TextureObject or TextureObjectParameter node instead.
  • If you add a parameter to your Custom node named “MyTex” and connect a TextureObject node, an extra sampler parameter named “MyTexSampler” will be available inside the Custom node’s HLSL.

I just realized some days ago, so glad it’s finally in.

[= ;186432]

  • You can sample the texture with an HLSL expression such as “Texture2DSample(MyTex,MyTexSampler,UV);”

Alternatively use MyTex.Sample(MyTexSampler,UV);

Been looking forward to . Trying out the network instant replay as we speak! It’s sooo good :stuck_out_tongue: Awesome job once again guys!

I am impressed with the New update. still amazed at how fast you guys produce new updates. Awesome Job!

For the life of me, I’m not able to see the Inventory screen shown in the first pic at the beginning of the post. I downloaded 4.6 and the shooter game 4.6 how do I see wonderful Inventory screen in-game?

Thanks for any help! :slight_smile:

Also did “Clip Space Transformations” aka “TransformToClipSpace node” make it in 4.6 I didn’t see it on the list. Thanks again!

For the life of me, I’m not able to see the Inventory screen shown in the first pic at the beginning of the post. I downloaded 4.6 and the shooter game 4.6 how do I see wonderful Inventory screen in-game?

Thanks for any help! :slight_smile:

I’m wondering about too, can we even access ?
How were the texture elements made? Custom photoshop skills? Gradient fill interface designer / button creation plugin? By hand from scratch?
It looks really great !

Impressive changelog. I downloaded the 4.6 preview the other night and haven’t had much of a change to test it yet, and didn’t expect the official release so soon. I guess I have something to do tonight :smiley: