Unreal Engine 4.5 Released!

I’ve been waiting for version to subscribe and finally here it is :smiley: I already subscribed and i’m now downloading it. Can’t wait to start with it.
I’m in love with ue4 since the first trailer :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you so much Epic!

Switching over to 4.5 very soon :slight_smile:

Hello , I’m trying in these days new version and I like the new “Ray Traced Distance Field Soft Shadows”. I immediately tried the “Shooter Game”, enabled the new option,restarted the engine and when I reloaded it started to work. The “Building mesh Distance Fields” it took almost an hour to finish with an average consumption of 50% cpu. I want to know if it is a long process for or if I have a problem, however it is worth the wait^^

Hello , I’m trying in these days new version and I like the new “Ray Traced Distance Field Soft Shadows”. I immediately tried the “Shooter Game”, enabled the new option,restarted the engine and when I reloaded it started to work. The “Building mesh Distance Fields” it took almost an hour to finish with an average consumption of 50% cpu. I want to know if it is a long process for or if I have a problem, however it is worth the wait^^

Does not sound unreasonable. Each mesh does take a bit of time to build.

Hi Abyssus,

does sound reasonable since all the information does have to build. can be tweaked by lowering the resolution that would be generated in the Build settings of the meshes but you will have lower quality shadows.

If you’ve not read the documentation you can read about the quality settings and performance costs here.


Just trying update my system to UE4.5.

With previews versions, I had my root motion montages Blend out time at 0.25 ( default value ), and my rootmotion was working fine.
Now, if I let value, it ends before its time, and gives breaks my code. I had to change it to 0.1 to work.

simple thing, made me spent a lot of time looking at my code to see what was not working right.