Unreal Engine 4.21 Preview

Very cool.
Where we can find more info on this? In the docs, or not yet?

Very much looking forward to having Physics replication and Pawn Movement Replication going again >:D

Thanks Epic!

Like others I’m waiting for RTX to come out for archviz. I hope it comes with 4.22.

Anyone getting Failed to execute aapt error when packaging for Android?

PackagingResults: Error: resource android:attr/fontStyle not found.
PackagingResults: Error: resource android:attr/font not found.
PackagingResults: Error: resource android:attr/fontWeight not found.
PackagingResults: Error: resource android:attr/fontStyle not found.
PackagingResults: Error: resource android:attr/font not found.
PackagingResults: Error: resource android:attr/fontWeight not found.
PackagingResults: Error: failed linking references.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): Failed to execute aapt

I fixed the Mobile exposure bug. .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/5166

Same problem here.
Error: Caused by: com.android.tools.aapt2.Aapt2Exception: AAPT2 error: check logs for details…

Also Gradle error.
ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c “E:\Unreal st_421_0p1\Intermediate/Android/APK\gradle\rungradle.bat” :app:assembleDebug
Even with Ant the android build for the GO fails.

Anyone else has the same problem (before I submit a report?)

Please submit a report.

I’ve found a workaround in the meantime: In Project settings -> Android SDK select:

Android SDK level: android-26
Android NDK level: latest

then it builds successfully.

I wish there would be AI updates, like HTN Planner (considering that it is already in the engine, but still experimental)

Not for me when launching on the GO:
LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: minSdkVersion is higher than Android version installed on device, possibly due to NDK API Level
LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: Installation of apk ‘E:\Unreal st_421_0p1\Binaries\Android st_421_0p1-armv7-es2.apk’ failed: INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl1053507892.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #7): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #25)

VR preview not work in SAMSUNG MR DEVICE

just tried it on the GO and you are right it does not work there. It does work on the GearVR however

I converted a 4.20 SunTemple project to 4.21 and that one does build for the GO. Investigating whats causing this…
edit: - haven’t found a way to replicate this although i can now build in 4.21 in 1 project once I changed the configuration to ‘development’ and un-ticked ‘for distribution’. Once it has build & launched successfully - it can be set to the original settings again. Changing these settings in SunTemple doesn’t break building Android for the GO though so still no idea whats causing this.

It’s will be great to have new RTX :confused:

Looks like Virtual Texturing is handled through the normal texture system, and is controlled by a cvar (defaults to being on). So I guess you can load the huge textures directly in the normal way.

static TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarVirtualTextureEnabled(
    TEXT("If set to 1, textures will use virtual memory so they can be partially resident."),

I got the preview to package to Android! I had some difficulty with gradle, but it went away after I packaged to windows, so it remains a mystery.

I tested out on the Oculus Go. Performance seems really good! But it crashes if you don’t toggle off “Mobile Multi-view”. This is bug, since It should automatically opt out of multi-view when using .

@n00854180t @Shirk @ForGobbler @Winter_Fox @kurylo3d @MysteryBlues

With regards to Virtual Texturing, it’s ONLY supported for Lightmaps in 4.21 and it’s super experimental! I wouldn’t try to use it in a production sense just yet. However, feel free to try it out.

By default, r.VirtualTexturing is on, but since it’s only hooked up for lightmaps you’ll also need to enable ** r.VirtualTexturedLightmaps 1**.

There are no plans for this to be documented outside of the release notes at this time. Once more features come online for Virtual Texturing, you can expect full documentation, which won’t be anytime before 4.22 at the earliest.

The changelog says virtual textures only support lightmaps right now so I don’t think this is the right way to enable it. ‘git blame’ on those lines shows a 2014 date.

Yes please!

Any plans to update Paper 2D at any time in the foreseeable future…? There is no support for an Animation system for sprites for example. You guys seem to add obscure stuff and extra optimization to 3D systems… Meanwhile, your 2D support is pretty basic. Everybody’s nuts about 3D these days, like they ain’t seen 3D games before… Yet probably most polished and most successful Indie titles out there are 2D. And the best art in any medium is, and will probably always be, 2D. : D Pls… help the people who like to draw. And paint. : D

Why would they use RTX when they could use DXRays and have it run on both Nvidia and AMD. AMD can already do raytracing thanks to GCN (Vega has more compute than 1080 Ti). I wouldn’t expect raytracing until the 1809 update is on the mainstream Windows update (I haven’t got it yet, is this just me? I’m not updating as an “insider”?)

They’ll probably also have some kind of filter hardware like Nvidia has on Navi as well.

I’d be more excited to get DX12/ compute based gameworks integration and some form of VXGI into mainstream. VXGI shadows and reflections look almost as good as RTX and costs less than half the compute resources, and the DX12 based gameworks are agnostic as well.

Maybe I’m just a victim of old AMD market hype but I’m still depressed that Intel and AMD IGPs aren’t used for accelerating world (as opposed to screen) space physics, maybe some stuff that Niagra does can be accelerated here if it sees it available. Intel would love you for it too, given the 9900k will have a DX12 IGP, and maybe the r3 2400g wouldn’t be so *****.

DX12 was supposed to make Heterogenious Compute a thing for simulation sided workloads, and I’d love to see an R7 2700GX or something with at least the same Vega 11 as the 2400G.