Unreal Engine 4.20 Preview

iOS and some android devices support occlusion queries. Just tested on iPad pro and they work in 4.20 just fine. Software path was probably made for an option to prevent popping and for Android devices that does not support those.

Can someone confirm this. I reported a bug but the response I did get was. “I am able to set the Screen Size for any of the LODs when I have Auto Compute LOD Distances = False. Moving the camera in the viewport confirms that the manually set screen size is working.” Which is basically opposite what I want to do. Problem is with auto compute distances being always the same.

Good to know! So how do we turn the software occlusion on?

Will the lens flares tool be added in the future as in CryEngine 5 or Unity ? It is another technology of rendering using textures and the possibility of using it for different light sources, and not only in one post-processing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t356IkkUmk

Automatic screen size is broken for me as well in 4.20.

Hi to everybody!!
I am completely new to the game engines universe and , my initial plan is to use its great visual dynamics resources to create movies, to add a new artistic language to my editing style,
so I am trying to find the best tools for me to achieve that, in the ideal world without having to learn to program or write codes…
That said, It would be soooo good to have a better notion of each product’s resources and limitations, but most of all, most of all to be able to have a favorites list so I can have a good notion of how this or that product would complement my needs with that other one product,

Besides all that, its good to make a list of the products you want, maybe can’t buy all at the same time… but you keep flirting with your favorites, planing…
ohh this month I’ll buy this one… and next month I’m gonna buy those other 2 that I really like

I mean, even for reference is good… So Please, pleeaasseee

Bookmark / Favorites / Wishlist However wanna name it!! Please do implement that!

Thank you very much


They said so in the live about 4.20 preview. That’s why I said it here. And they were 3 Lead Programmers, so I believed it. lol
About not moving the camera, that’s weird. If it is on Gear I guess it’s almost impossible to not move the camera. Now, if you’re talking about a erally steady camera in a standard mobile game, then you got me.

There is console switch that you have to turn first. It’s under r.Mobile. Maybe AllowSoftwareOcclusion or something. Then you also need to enable all occluders from StaticMeshEditor. You define which LOD level is used as occluder. Default is -1 which means that this mesh is not used as occluder.

I get this Error message when I wanna build the light:

**<None> === Lightmass crashed: ===Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO

0x000000013fc08aed UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction ]
0x000000013fc10dd4 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction ]
0x000007feb2aa9128 UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction ]
0x000007feb2aa3b07 UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction ]
0x00000000770159cd .dll!UnknownFunction ]
0x000000007727383d ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction ]**


We have just released Preview 2 for 4.20! Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.20 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.

For a list of known issues affecting this latest preview, please follow the links provided on the first post in this thread.

Fixed in Preview 2
Fixed! UE-59049 Keep State doesn’t work when using an animation asset together with Anim BP
Fixed! UE-59499 Editor crashes if you select a new skeleton for a pose asset
Fixed! UE-56395 Crash Occurs When Deleting Virtual Bones that are Referenced in Post Process Anim Blueprint
Fixed! UE-59986 LOD Paint warnings open without enabling LOD Paint
Fixed! UE-59810 SkelMeshMerge not working for meshes with >1 LOD
Fixed! UE-59957 MasterPoseComponent can be chained, breaking assumptions about pose. Bad poses or crashes resulting.
Fixed! UE-58010 with crash on bone visibility states
Fixed! UE-58675 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UAnimSequence::BakeTrackCurvesToRawAnimation() [animsequence.cpp:4428]
Fixed! UE-58837 Crash Occurs When Retargeting Mannequin Skeleton to Studio Skeleton
Fixed! UE-56303 ChildActorComponent (SkeletalMesh) goes into tpose when calling SetChildActorClass
Fixed! UE-59659 Orion Cook has Missing Assets on Turrets
Fixed! UE-59964 Fix refpose editing in control rig
Fixed! UE-58936 Creating Control Rig blueprint creates a “PROTO_BP_” parent, crashes if user saves a blueprint based on it.
Fixed! UE-59902 Creating a HLOD setup array adds non static mesh elements.
Fixed! UE-60018 Attenuation Reverb Send Ignored
Fixed! UE-60127 Duplicating Level With Large _BuiltData File Results in Editor Crash
Fixed! UE-60048 UAT Fails to Resolve Reference to Visual Studio
Fixed! UE-59978 PSYM files are not being generated for installed engine builds
Fixed! UE-59906 ARPG - Player attack hit pause logic not working
Fixed! UE-60097 Combine DigitalHuman and PhotorealisticCharacter projects and add to /Samples/Showcases
Fixed! UE-60025 Add Niagara plugin, level, and content path to Content Examples
Fixed! UE-58741 Datasmith material default IOR value is 0.0
Fixed! UE-59898 Level Streaming Blocking Loads Do Not Work
Fixed! UE-59915 “debug filter” dropdown is missing from level blueprints
Fixed! UE-58298 Certain BP nodes loading with wrong input values.
Fixed! UE-58977 Watch window does not update with current value information when opened after hitting a breakpoint
Fixed! UE-58974 Crash occurs when clearing a watched value from a blueprint that has been deleted
Fixed! UE-57011 UMG animations do not work when nativized
Fixed! UE-58623 User-defined bookmarks appear to be created through the graph UI in macro libraries and blueprint interfaces
Fixed! UE-58588 Show Bookmarks for Current Graph Only filter does not update when changing graphs
Fixed! UE-60009 Huawei Mate 10 (Mali G72) doesn’t have a device profile
Fixed! UE-59936 Blueprint Android app installers are named UE4Game.bat
Fixed! UE-59176 Online Test Presence does not properly finish executing
Fixed! UE-58697 SteamAuth - AdvertiseGame is not called if the packethandlers are not added
Fixed! UE-58999 Failure to write key value pair when uploading to Steam ShooterAllTimeMatchResults_MatchesPlayed
Fixed! UE-58310 Steam SetDedicatedServer is called inappropriately
Fixed! UE-59981 Fix support for LLGD in 5.3.0.
Fixed! UE-60059 UE4Editor-Linux-Debug crashes on start with -vulkan
Fixed! UE-59593 Crash in ContentExamples when opening a map after being in a map with audio - AudioMixerSourceDecode.cpp:50
Fixed! UE-59617 Linux crash report client does not ask user to send crash reports
Fixed! UE-59416 Bundled toolchain is having a problem with a (system) DE locale
Fixed! UE-59922 Crash on Linux when starting Editor in Turkish
Fixed! UE-60043 Debug/DebugGame configured Mac code project fails to compile with numerous FMetal errors
Fixed! UE-60001 Video from Startup Movies aren’t playing on Mobile Devices from Packaged Game
Fixed! UE-58440 HTML package crashes when F5 key is pressed
Fixed! UE-59066 Intermittent RemoteSessionApp crash
Fixed! UE-59711 TVOS/iOS fails to build from Windows with numerous errors ‘no such file or directory’
Fixed! UE-57505 Crash launching ES31 app on Android
Fixed! UE-55180 Cook on the Fly server quits unexpectedly using Windows UFE to iOS
Fixed! UE-57094 Error: Loading non-streamed mips from an external bulk file spam running app on Android device
Fixed! UE-56968 Android ETC1a doesn’t appear for packaging in editor
Fixed! UE-59715 iOS fails to build in DebugGame configuration: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
Fixed! UE-59573 HTML5 foliage is being scaled massively
Fixed! UE-58371 Various actions utilizing Cook by the Book for certain platforms crash the editor
Fixed! UE-58361 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MetalRHI.dylib!CreateMTLRenderPipeline()
Fixed! UE-58271 OrionGame - Closing client running in -game with Alt+F4 will result in a crash
Fixed! UE-58732 Weird black lighting on skel meshes in the tools when enabling CPU Skinning
Fixed! UE-58707 LogCompilerShader errors doing TM-ShaderModels Launch-On
Fixed! UE-56509 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!FDuplicateDataWriter::Serialize() [duplicateddatawriter.h:51]
Fixed! UE-60060 Changing material quality force load new textures
Fixed! UE-57688 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer::ComputeLightGrid() [lightgridinjection.cpp:490]
Fixed! UE-59982 Tick marks do not stay aligned to keys when resizing Sequencer Window
Fixed! UE-59971 Crash undoing imported transform track
Fixed! UE-60113 Crash when switching capture output formats
Fixed! UE-60049 GC trigger while the Import FBX dialog in Sequencer is open makes the Editor crash
Fixed! UE-58688 Recording a sequence with a “none” entry incorrectly records actors
Fixed! UE-59347 Importing a FBX that contains meshes and cameras causes the camera to be at the wrong location
Fixed! UE-47661 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Sequencer!FSequencer::NotifyMovieSceneDataChanged()
Fixed! UE-60126 Crash exporting Final Cut Pro from Shot Track
Fixed! UE-59997 Exporting FCP XML through right click menu gives warning.
Fixed! UE-60083 Editor hard-lock deleting multiple assets referencing each other simultaneously
Fixed! UE-57194 Changing the value of a color on a curve creates undo history transaction spam
Fixed! UE-60075 Unable to Simulate in Viewport when Play button is set to New Window or Standalone Game
Fixed! UE-60195 Foliage: Removing all procedural foliage and adding new one, and doing a BuildTree would cause flicker
Fixed! UE-59544 Transforming Foliage assets selected with the Foliage Lasso Tool removes selection highlight
Fixed! UE-59256 Foliage: when applying a scale to either painted instance or spawned from a procedural volume the LOD do not take it into consideration
Fixed! UE-49777 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Core!FName::GetDisplayNameEntry() [unrealnames.cpp:894]
Fixed! UE-59941 Assert opening a Niagara Emitter in Binary
Fixed! UE-60068 The editor prompts to save changes multiple times for emitters and scripts when discarding changes on shutdown.
Fixed! UE-60038 Systems with with emitters with missing dependencies hitch the editor on first open.
Fixed! UE-60039 Assert while fixing and undoing dependency issues.
Fixed! UE-60111 Niagara spline data interface has inappropriate checks
Fixed! UE-60076 Crash when connecting nodes in rare case of a default to self
Fixed! UE-60063 Crash when modifying the properties on an emitter in a system after it’s been opened twice.
Fixed! UE-60080 Deleting a module and undoing the delete loses data.
Fixed! UE-60118 Prevent a crash when setting the loop duration of an emitter to a negative number
Fixed! UE-60224 Deleting a burst module from the timeline and undoing loses data
Fixed! UE-60223 Deleting burst keys from an emitter in a system crashes.
Fixed! UE-60124 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Niagara!FNiagaraDataSet::Allocate() [niagaradataset.h:285]
Fixed! UE-60122 Prevent parameter change events with unitialized memory.
Fixed! UE-60139 Saving a project to location above installed Engine Root directory causes Niagara to default to completely unset config settings
Fixed! UE-60133 Burst keys display the wrong value and crash when they’re edited in the timeline.
Fixed! UE-60176 Assert opening Niagara level in Content Example
Fixed! UE-58395 Investigate VM optimization not working correctly
Fixed! UE-58200 Ability to add and fix Module dependencies
Fixed! UE-58721 Orion Niagara assets not easily previewable
Fixed! UE-59121 Renaming a Niagara editor parameter causes all parameter categories to expand
Fixed! UE-58616 Setting MaxLoopCount to 1 causes the timeline to revert and get stuck at 0
Fixed! UE-59517 Cannot auto-dirty assets on load
Fixed! UE-59516 Event detail panel customization leaks until app exit and shutsdown after undo
Fixed! UE-59340 Dragging a module across stacks causes it to loses all its typed in values, and they don’t restore with an undo
Fixed! UE-59269 Fix an with function error generation.
Fixed! UE-59261 transforming a vector from local to world behaves differently in emitter vs particle
Fixed! UE-59249 Addng and removing inputs from “Set Variables” node doesn’t cause a recompile.
Fixed! UE-59401 Drag and drop allows the user to move modules where they’re not supported.
Fixed! UE-59390 Niagara: The enable/disable checkbox doesn’t deactivate renderers until the timeline is advanced
Fixed! UE-59224 Assignment node is invalid for certain named variables
Fixed! UE-59220 Changing an emitter from GPU to CPU and forcing a recompile recompiles every frame.
Fixed! UE-59767 Particle VM scripts need to follow r.DumpShaderDebugInfo=1 instead of having its own pathway
Fixed! UE-59762 Create an emitter and disable/remove add velocity, compile errors are generated
Fixed! UE-59507 Crash when reroute node to a parameter map doesn’t have an input
Fixed! UE-59503 Crash: niagara crashes every time certain module nodes are deleted
Fixed! UE-58832 Assert attempting to add a Niagara emitter parameter to a system before tracking an emitter
Fixed! UE-58823 Adding a property pin to a Niagara Module Script map node creates a duplicate of that property in the Properties menu
Fixed! UE-58070 Remove individual nodes which provide access to constants (such as delta time) to prevent confusion
Fixed! UE-57699 Creating an emitter curve doesn’t have the default value set
Fixed! UE-57696 Changing renderer properties doesn’t force a refresh
Fixed! UE-57692 Renaming a Niagara Script parameter does not replicate to included Nodes in the Node Graph
Fixed! UE-57362 Crash wiring InputMap into a Float value in Niagara Script
Fixed! UE-57167 Adding a new attribute makes it hidden in the attribute spreadsheet under filters, making debugging impossible
Fixed! UE-55541 Crash when looping a function through Map Get
Fixed! UE-54678 Niagara skeletal mesh sampling regions do not update unless Niagara is closed and reopened
Fixed! UE-49797 Creating a particles namespace variable in an emittter or system script should generate an error
Fixed! UE-51080 NPC. Namespace should be read-only in Niagara graphs,
Fixed! UE-59723 TorusLocation fails to compile due to Particles.PreviousVelocity depending on Particles.Velocity
Fixed! UE-59589 Users have to press refresh in the meta data editor to see deleted meta data fields disappear
Fixed! UE-58745 Deleting metadata is broken
Fixed! UE-59251 The compile error message displayed in the stack view doesn’t update when the compile error changes.
Fixed! UE-60216 Access Violation after repeatedly enabling and undoing Local Space within Niagara Emitter properties
Fixed! UE-59402 Examine why keywords don’t work for graph node operations
Fixed! UE-50994 Reproducible crash related to assigning dynamic parameter scripts
Fixed! UE-59949 Crash on shutdown after binding python member function to delegate
Fixed! UE-59998 UMG anchor prompts are wrong on MacOS
Fixed! UE-60170 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_UMG!SObjectTableRow<UObject * __ptr64>::Tick() [sobjecttablerow.h:99]
Fixed! UE-58293 Crash when performing an undo after generating LOD of a level
Fixed! UE-59478 Unable to control Virtual Camera by moving the device with ARKit input source
Fixed! UE-59992 Missing mobile multi-view support for translucent objects.

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find by following the How To Report a Bug Guide

Thanks for all of the bugfixes! I didn’t see any mention of the auto-screen-size LOD issues some folks have been reporting in this thread. Any news on that front?

It’s reported and ticked should be open soon there. Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-60353)

  • ** Mixed Reality Capture: Early Access.** The early access Mixed Reality Capture support has three components: video input, calibration, and in-game compositing. We have a list of supported webcams and HDMI capture devices that enable you to pull real world green screened video into the Engine from a variety of sources. ‘

Where can I find this list of devices. Thank you for the update.

You guys deleting all the 4/20 comments? XD

Mhm… let’s test it :wink:

Does UE 4.20 currently support Metadata from Maya? I’ve noticed support for Metadata from 3DS Max via Datasmith. Is there any way to get Metadata out from Maya assets? With the help of Python, I’m able to set_metadata and read it afterwards from any asset. But I can’t seem to read it raw from a freshly imported Maya asset.

Broken for me also.

4.20 p2:Area light is too bright after build lighting.It seems that the area light source has too much indirect light intensity

Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-60104)

Thank you for this!

Such a shame the actual tool is buggy and needs a UI pass to make it anything remotely usable…but we live in hope for future developments.