Unreal Engine 4.16 Preview

Could we have a sample Kernel texture for FFT bloom? Everything I try works to some extent, but also blurs the entire image to the point that it almost looks like poorly set up dof.

OK the volumetric fog tooltip I referred to in my previous post doesnt seem to have the detail I mentioned in the preview version, I saw it on a version from github I compiled on my mac earlier this month.

It’s pretty useful to know so I’m posting a screenshot.

How do I turn mesh section to cloth ? On GDC video just selected section, right click add cloth asset. I can’t even select mesh section in viewport ;/.

Finally we have UE4.16! Great work!

But, issues is steel a problem…
Cloth Paint tool crashes, link to answerhub:

I eagerly tested out the new audio engine on android to get spatialized audio finally however the audio has an annoying crackling sound :frowning:

Bug report here: [Android] New AudioMixerAndroid in 4.17p1 results in crackling audio - Audio - Epic Developer Community Forums

Are there any special settings required - I let everything as defaults

I’ve enabled the new Synthesis plugin…now what? Any tips on where to start?

I would like to test out the new audio engine with Steam Audio, but I can’t find documentation for it and am having a tough time figuring out how to set it up. I’ve added phonon source/geometry/material components to sounds and objects, added phonon related volumes and generated points, baked sound propagation, and anything else I could try by following the unity tutorial, but I feel like there should be some general settings section somewhere I’m missing, since Unity has so many more steam audio options than I’m seeing in UE4.

Following this up for those interested in this issue. I’ve had a good several hours of work put in, and I’ve yet to experience the issue where all blueprint actors within a level clear their non default properties. Hopefully this has finally been fixed!

Hi Aussieburger!

Fortunately, this is a known issue–the back-end implementation on Android came in a bit hot and Aaron has reviewed the implementation and is already working on a revision. I’ll let Aaron expound where he feels appropriate. Please keep in mind that the new Audio Engine is still in an experimental state and that we’re still ironing out the back-end implementations as well as refining features.

With that said, we are eager for community input. :slight_smile:

Howdy, AoakenfoArchiact!

We recommend enabling both the Synthesis plugin as well as the Sound Utilities plugin! With that said, there are two existing components Aaron has built. A subtractive modular synth and a granular synth–under actor components, look for the Modular Synth Component. Once added, you can use its many member functions such as Set Preset or Note On and Note Off.

We are planning a number of tutorial videos and/or tutorial streams as we refine and finalize the features of this still experimental new Audio Engine!

Hello Mitchell!

Once the Phonon Plugin is enabled, there are several assets that will be available–these are attenuation assets. We found early on that the new Audio Engine already had data on the Sound Source’s world information and so a “Phonon Source” component was unnecessary. Instead, you will want to apply an Attenuation Object to your Sound Source that has Phonon Asset Overrides.

I made the following procedure steps that should still be usable in its current state. However, please keep in mind that we are still working with Valve on refining the implementation and that at the moment the integration is experimental.

Steam Audio Procedures
Spatialized Direct Audio

  1. Change Spatialization Parameter on Attenuation Settings to: HRTF Spatialization
  2. Create/Add Phonon Spatialization Settings

Enabling Occlusion

  1. Tag Occluding Static Meshes with Phonon Geometry Component
  2. Export Scene (Under Build Drop-Down Menu)
  3. Enable Occlusion on Attenuation Settings
  4. Create/Add Phonon Attenuation Settings
  5. Set Phonon Attenuation Settings to Raycast or Partial

Enabling Realtime Propagation on a Source Sound

  1. Tag Reflective Static Meshes with Phonon Geometry Component
  2. Export Scene (Under Build Drop-Down Menu)
  3. Create/Add Phonon Reverb Settings to Source’s Attenuation Settings
  4. Set Phonon Reverb Settings’ Indirect Simulation Mode to: Realtime

Enabling Baked Propagation on a Source Sound

  1. Tag Reflective Static Meshes with Phonon Geometry Component
  2. Export Scene (Under Build Drop-Down Menu)
  3. Create/Add Phonon Reverb Settings to Source’s Attenuation Settings
  4. Set Phonon Reverb Settings’ Indirect Simulation Mode to: Baked
  5. Add Phonon Probe Volume to scene
  6. Scale Phonon Probe Volume to fit around reverberate space and geometry
  7. Set Probe Volume Placement Strategy to: Uniform Distribution
  8. Set Horizontal Spacing to something reasonable
  9. Click Generate Probes
  10. Add a Phonon Source Component to Audio Component
  11. Set Phonon Source Component’s Baked Radius to be larger than the sound source’s attenuation range
  12. Click Bake Propagation

Enabling Baked Listener Reverb

  1. Tag Reflective Static Meshes with Phonon Geometry Component
  2. Export Scene (Under Build Drop-Down Menu)
  3. Change Global Indirect Simulation Mode to Baked (In Project Settings)
  4. Add Phonon Probe Voluem to scene
  5. Scale Phonon Probe Volume to fit around reverberate space and geometry
  6. Set Probe Volume Placement Strategy to: Uniform Distribution
  7. Set Horizontal Spacing to something reasonable
  8. Click Generate Probes
  9. Bake Reverb (Under Build Drop-Down Menu)
    Any sources that have a non-null reverb setting will be routed through this reverb.

EDIT: It’s worth noting that all these new Audio Engine features are Early Access/Experimental at the moment and can only be accessed by enabling the Audio Engine (with commandline it’s -audiomixer).

Thank you so much, !

Oooh new audio

Hey guys,

Just to be clear, this is an experimental version of the plugin that we put together at GDC. We’ve put in several months worth of fixes and such that weren’t able to make it out in time for 4.16. Feel free to play around with the plugin as outlined, but be aware that a much more stable version will be shipping with 4.16 preview 2 that includes extensive documentation. Once the preview 2 version ships, we will be providing support over at our forums, and can answer any questions you guys have.

Check out the docs, here: github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-audio/releases/download/v2.0-beta.3/steamaudio_manual_unreal_2.0-beta.3.pdf
Feel free to mosey over to our forums here: Steam Audio General Discussions :: Steam Community
Check out known issues and file new ones on our GitHub: Issues · ValveSoftware/steam-audio · GitHub

Thanks ,

Note that Steam Audio plugin depends fundamentally on new capabilities in the new audio engine, so you’ll need to run with that enabled if you want to see Steam Audio editor extensions and features. The same is true of the synthesis plugin or Sound Utilities plugin. I wrote code to specifically hide new functionality from sound waves, etc, if the audio engine isn’t enabled. Note that the Synthesis plugin will be where source and submix effects are written, and new synthesizers. The Sound Utilities plugin will be where I implement utility-like features and BP-type applications (e.g. utilities for constructing interactive music and dynamic ambience, etc).

See the release notes for specifics on how to enable the new audio engine (you have to either launch with -audiomixer or modify an engine .ini file).

Note that the new Steam Audio plugin integrates deeply with the audio pipeline as we were able to collaborate on how to better integrate Steam Audio (and also other third party audio plugins) to the UE4 audio workflow so it might not be exactly the same as it was in the past. For example, adding the ability for Steam to define their own settings data layout, but still be able to plug those settings into the standard UE4 spatialization definition implementation pipeline. We also streamlined getting access to source and listener data for the plugin.

Unfortunately there’s not a huge amount of documentation (or barely any) for any of the new audio engine stuff as we’ve been almost exclusively focused on making sure what is there is working (specifically for 4.16 audio engine features). We’re also not fully finished with all the platforms so don’t want to enable things without there being full platform support.

RE: Android/iOS/Switch support for the new audio mixer. I didn’t write these backends so there are some issues I need to fix before it’s fully utilizable. Apologies for those excited about android audio finally having full feature support in UE4. It’s close, but needs some love and attention. I’m literally working on Android right now to attempt to fix some of the obvious buffer underrun issues (I suspect it’s because the mix function is being called synchronous to the audio output stream buffer callback).

Thanks everybody for being patient with us as we transition to using a totally new audio engine back end.

In fact, since there’s not a lot of documentation currently, I’d be super grateful for anybody who posts some stuff to these forums/wikis with how-to’s as you discover things :slight_smile: We’ll be trying to post blogs/tutorials/live-streams in the coming weeks on how-to’s on new audio engine systems shouldn’t change by 4.17 (e.g. how to use the synths, DSP effects, etc).

Thanks for the clarification. Really appreciate your work on this. It’s just hard to not want to jump in when I’ve been waiting for something like this for so long.

Here’s the quickest way to get started with the Synth:

Add a Modular Synth Component to your actor

Set your Preset–there is a default preset that sounds pretty good, but what I like doing is making a public variable that I can customize with a details panel:


There are a LOT of awesome parameters, as well as a modular patch system at the end:

There are also Blueprint setters for setting individual parameters if you want to do real-time modulation–you can also create Presets within the Modular Synth Preset Bank Asset, which you can break-out as well.

Once you’ve initialized the sound you want, you can activate the sound with the Note On function:

Note value is a MIDI note value (60 is middle C), but it’s float, so you can 'tween if you like.

Velocity is a MIDI value which does volume scale by default–but if you have a non-negative value, it will automatically shut itself off after that many seconds.

Duration is -1.0 by default, if you set it to -1.0 it will sustain until you call Note Off on the SAME note (as it has a polyphonic voice manager).

Here you can see, I’ve a delay to create a similar situation.

The possibilities are limitless when paired with BP logic–we’re looking forward to what all you synth cats come up with! :smiley:

Does that only affect your plugin, or is that a general fix so that anyone using UE4 with git lfs benefits from that, without having to use your plugin?

Is it possible to update to the newest version manually, like simply updating the SDK to the newer version, or do those “several months worth of fixes” depend on things in UE4 that don’t exist yet in 4.16?

Awesome timing for the Spline IK!
I was thinking of trying to hack together something based on UE splines but now I can go and have a coffee instead! :slight_smile:
Excited to try it out.


Does that only affect your plugin, or is that a general fix so that anyone using UE4 with git lfs benefits from that, without having to use your plugin?

Is it possible to update to the newest version manually, like simply updating the SDK to the newer version, or do those “several months worth of fixes” depend on things in UE4 that don’t exist yet in 4.16?

Updating to the latest SDK would fix a few of the issues in this release (baking multiple sources being the biggest one that comes to mind), but the plugin changes require updates to the engine.