Unreal Editors not launching - 9% Initializing

Hello Sean, sorry for not getting back to you sooner, problem is still here after installing back to just 4.9.2, unfortunately.

I will attach logs from my main project, hopefully there are some clues in there!

Thank you again.

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These logs were taken while it was stuck at 9% btw

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Binaries\Win64

Navigate to that folder path and attempt to open UE4Editor.exe instead of opening engine from launcher. Let me know if there are any different results.

No, same result I’m afraid

I have a couple more questions:

  • Are you using an Oculus at all?
  • Do you happen to have any Antivirus software that could be interfering with engine?
  • Is your Verify button still grayed out in Launcher?

Thank you.

  1. I do have an oculus, but I haven’t used it with UE4, and have unplugging it and made sure that SDK isn’t running also - Should I uninstall Oculus SDK for testing?

  2. Only built in windows defender, I have tried turning it off also, but no effect.

  3. And no, verify button is back. But verifying it is having no effect.

Thanks again.


Could you please create a shortcut to your .uproject file, and add the -FORCELOGFLUSH command to Target field when you right click shortcut and open properties window?

Here is an example of what I mean:

After doing the -FORCELOGFLUSH, could you try same, but with
-opengl instead?

Please provide logs, one after trying each of these, two in total.

Certainly Sean, here are logs, first forcelogflush and then opengl. Thanks again.

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I have just noticed that these backup logs and main .log have differences - “[2016.01.05-23.27.26:155][ 0]LogRHI: Texture pool” FOR “[2016.01.05-23.21.54:267][ 0]LogRHI: Texture pool i”

Does it need to be main log file?

Just to be clear, these logs were grabbed after running project from that shortcut using commands that were listed in my previous post, correct? Definitely grab main log file as well if you can.

Yeah that’s right, I entered commands as per your image, and then just double clicked shortcut to launch each time, then copied logs right after stopping failed launch.

Here are logs today, this time not from backups.

Thanks again!

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It looks like you’ll need to grab logs using a different method, give this a try:

Head to this file path (if you have your engine installed in default directory) C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.9\Engine\Binaries\Win64

Open up a command window (Shift+Right Click-> Open Command Window Here)

Type in UE4Editor.exe -FORCELOGFLUSH

Hit Enter

After engine opens (or in your case, freezes at 9%), then grab logs again.

Where do I find logs while launching this way? Since logs in project saved folder aren’t updated, as it wasn’t opened. Thanks

Hey GreyDesigns,

These should still be in your project’s \Saved\Logs\ folder. Once engine opens, it should present you with Project Launcher, from which you’ll be able to open project.

You’ll know it was updated as expected by looking for a line in log that reads, “LogInit: Command line: -FORCELOGFLUSH”

Hi , Thanks, but It doesn’t make it to project launcher though, as it stops at 9%. :frowning:

Go ahead and repeat same process (i.e. running editor using command line and -FORCELOGFLUSH command), and grab logs located in this file path (assuming you’re using 4.10. If not, just replace 4.10 with whatever version you’re using): C:\Users\YourUsernameHere\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\4.10\Saved\Logs

Cool, Thanks It was where you said.

Here is log from last night.

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Okay, it’s starting to look like one of DLL’s could possibly be causing this issue.

Try same process using command line, but in addition to -FORCELOGFLUSH, also add this line -logcmds=“log LogModuleManager verbose”

Then, grab logs from that same folder as last time, and we should be able to tell exactly where it is failing.

Here is latest log with additional command line, thanks!

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I am having exact same issue, look forward to a fix

Hello Mark,

Could you please provide your DxDiag?