[UNPAID] Dark Fantasy PVPVE - Level designer, Animator, ETC.

I’m a solo dev.
The project is a dark fantasy game.
Looking to collaborate with adventurers excited about the same type of game.
Willing to discuss pay.


Art style: realistic
Gameplay: pvpve, extraction, first-person
Misc: Lyra backbone

Primary goal right now:
[Level Design] Building out a new dungeon - crypt, cavern, cathedral.

Secondary goal:
[Animation] Improving feel of animation and combat, that works for 1st and 3rd person. Have lots of great animations. The challenge is getting them to work in both views. Some may require modifying or replacing.

PLENTY of other things to do. Someone that loves technical networking would be great. I’m more on the art side but I do what’s needed.

Aiming for a “minimum viable” that can continue to be expanded on possibly beyond the initial gameplay mode (extraction) — something modular. A lot has been done already and a lot still yet to be done.






Hi @Astaraa,

Very Nice Screenshots. A Dark Fantasy PVPVE is my type of game...

I’m developing a Sci-Fantasy Hybrid with Elements of a FPS, Action RPG, Roguelike about Mages, Mazes, and Monsters.

I considered LYRA for the base framework, but, I elected to use Marketplace Templates/Assets.

Art style: Mixed. A majority is Photorealistic ( & Metahumans), but also includes some Stylized Photorealistic, Low Poly, and Voxel assets.

Gameplay: Coop, PvP, PvE, PvPvE

FPS Elements

I’m building my gameplay on top of the FPS Multiplayer Template featuring GameModes: Capture The Flag, Search & Destroy, Conquest, Kill Confirmed, Rush, Team Deathmatch, Deathmatch. I’m adding a few custom Game Modes: Treasure Hunt, Scavenger, Survive, Battle Royal.

Although these are typical FPS Gamemodes, I'm using these GameMode Rulesets in a modular fashion to create Quest Objectives.

For Example: The Quest to “Retrieve the Crown” could use the Capture the Flag Ruleset for to manage possession of the Crown, and goal completion. Team Deathmatch ruleset to manage the Party (Team A), Mob Spawns (Team B). Obstacles could include portable Puzzle Actors ( aka Devices) a Dragon (Boss) guarding the location of the Crown.

True First Person by Default. I’m implementing a V8SUPERCAM Multi-perspective Camera System that uses True First Person as default/home Perspective. V8SUPERCAM can transition between 8 perspectives on-demand: First Person, Second Person, Over-The-Shoulder, Third Person, Top-Down, Isometric, Side-Scroller, Static Multi-Angle, and Cinematic.

RPG Elements

I still enjoy Pen&Paper RPGs. In fact, my nickname TechLord is based on my own penpaper Mecha Combat Game TECHLORDZ. Maybe one day Ill start developing the computer version.

I enjoy leveling up stats in Paper and Computer RPGs, but what I really appreciated about those Paper RPGs was using imagination/creativity collaboratively.

I feel Collaborative Customization and Construction can inject imagination/creativity in any Computer Game Genre, thus the game will have several Run-time Replicated Construction/Customization Subsystems to support this.

I practically script an Editor {UMG GUI} for all my Subsystems and primary BP classes for Run-time Editing and Testing.

This significantly increases test iteration speed and decreases game dev stress. I plan to write a BP Class to UMG Form Generator one day.

I’m using the same Run-time Replicated Construction/Customization Subsystems to collaboratively pre-construct/pre-fab the Environment, Entities, Quests and Story for use in the game.

Roguelike Elements

I’m implementing Generative AI and Run-time Replicated Procedural Generation starting at low level (media) for Textures, Materials, 3D Models, Text, Audio to high Level (complex content) Level {Environment / Architecture}, Entities/ Items, Music, Quests, Tournaments. Square Builder is one of the Subsystems I’m using :slight_smile:

UNPAID and ROYALTY Projects do not get much love around here :(

At least my [ROYALTY] ExORION Survivor: Alien Invasion | Kaiju Survival Terror XPS does not. But, I do understand that most Devs are here to develop their own game concepts.

I’m opened to Development Collaboration. UE Profile below. Available on Discord.