Unable to generate c++ projects file 4.9 *Found Fix*

no quotes for me

Hi Colbra,

had noted that reinstalling the Windows 8.1 SDK seemed to correct the issue for him. Could you give that a try to see if it helps you as well?

I managed to fix this problem by reinstalling the “Windows 8.1 SDK”, i can now compile and build c++ projects on 4.9.1

i don t have 8.1, I tried it with 7. started a new thread
Unable to generate c++ projects file 4.9 - Pipeline & Plugins - Unreal Engine Forums , im currently working on 4.9.2 i thought i almost had it but threw a similar error about building it then it sent me to visual studio to build it, Visual studio said I needed .net 4.5.1 to build it so I got that and it reverted back to the original failed to harvest error.