Unable to add value to variable in widgetBP from BP

Hey, i haven’t used ue4 in a while and i need a little assistance.
I have 3 blueprints that are involved which are:

  • Stick_BP
  • MyCharacter
  • Inventory Widget

This is the Stick_BP:

This is the MyCharacter BP

This is the Inventory Widget. The event graph contains nothing at the moment because I’ve removed my attempts at making this work. This is just a function for a text box.

What i want to happen is when the Activate Pickup event is triggered, the StickAmount variable in the inventory widget gets 1 added to it.
I’ve tried many things with no luck.

Does anyone have any ideas?


Just learnt some of this. This is on overlap, he picks up flour. I have not got looping going yet. just the once over, but not that hard to loop.

Hey! I’ve just tried something like that in my stick_bp and i couldn’t get it to work:

which gives me this error:

I also tried this:

This gives me no errors but it doesn’t add 1 to the value.
When I play and watch the Stick_BP event graph I can see that that its not casting.

Any ideas?

Yup, give this a go.

In you stick BP:

Then what I did above.

So: Get Character reference. Set as VAR. Call that VAR to get current player AMMO, add then you add Stick_AMMO to Player AMMO. Then Set Player AMMO. And then after that, if need be, Set World AMMO to 0

Edit: I would say that those errors are because the current BP is being created before what you are referencing.