UMG Variables Don't Support Categories

Hello 5lider,

This issue was closed as ‘Won’t Fix’ due to an extended period of time without updates. I have reopened the issue due to the renewed interest

Make it a great day

It seems never to be repaired Still present in 4.16.
I also noticed that ]is an empty category there.


yupp its a shame this is still around its been a documented bug since '14 yet still no fix…

Can confirm, the issue can be replicated on both versions 4.15 and 4.16, however it seems the empty category has been fixed.

Confirmed; Issue still occurs in 4.16.3; this would be really helpful, hope it gets fixed soon.

I have provided a link to the public tracker that you can use for updates on this issue. This issue was marked as a duplicate so I have provided a new link below.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-20103)

Make it a great day

Hi Rudy, I see the issue has been closed as Won’t Do. I would like to reinforce the fact that is still happening as of 4.18 and that this issue gets really problematic when you have to expose multiple buttons and other interface elements to the blueprint. Having to manually create a category for the rest (and not being able to collapse the elements) leaves us with a very ugly interface to try and find what we need.

Thank you.

Hello Volvary,

Thank you for the additional information. However, this is not closed as “won’t fix”. It has been backlogged. The public notes had not been updated to reflect this. I have updated the public notes.

Make it a great day

yes, we are all suffering with it (

4.18.3 It’s work now, Thank You Very Much!

4.18.3 It’s WORK now!!!

Someone has fixed this in a PR. Three years later, we can almost put everything in categories :wink:

Still can’t categorize text boxes in 4.19.1.

annnnnnnnd PR rejected


Dont use unreal, use unity…
So many issues were never fixed that our entire company switched to unity. good job epic you’re an epic failure. go suck off fortnite some more and go buy some more exclusivity.