I have some paper mock up work done currently. I will see if I can work out some prototypes to share. I can likely do it in Flash or After Effects. Provided I have the time I will share here with some documentation.
I was able to play around for about 15 minutes and find that the UMG Widget Blueprint works in-line with the blueprints seamlessly. Despite the workflow of this early version, it works really nicely. I made a button as a placeholder for the speed of the ship. (Flying Template)
VIDEO LINK (It is grainy and I apologize for Low Def but I was in a terrible rush when I filmed)
So simply put, I grabbed the forward velocity and passed it to the text portion of the button. Extremely simple. From start to finish the process took 15 minutes including the filming of the video.
No mock ups, but I think these are pretty standard everywhere:
- Inventory screen with drag&drop to drag “Items” around (like equipping on character) or dragging to hotbar.
The non-trivial part of it, is to call proper function behind, after something has been dragged from one tile to another. As well as mouse input support. For example if you double click you can use item from inventory directly.
It’s generalized a bit but it apply to myriad of possible UI elements. Like RTS bar with units and buildings you can build, RPG with hotbar for using items/abilities, Equipment screen, where you can change items on character etc.
- Deprojecting UI to world, so there can be floating UI elements around actors in the world. Like floating numbers over player head or health bar.
Anyway, great work! I can’t wait till you guys get to at least somewhat stable version (where created assets will won’t break from update to update).
I’m trying to use Slate now and to say at least it’s not going very well :D.
One thing I would really, REALLY like to see is support for having video overlays (with alpha) so that you can make cool effects in, say after effects, and have them as part of your HUD/Menu system. Ex:
Cuz when you really think about it, all buttons need lightning effects.
Yeah, that would be cool. We’re working on video to texture support now, not for UMG but just in general. It wouldn’t be impossible to then try and overlay the video texture on top of the button at some point in the future.
Another option would be to generate a sprite sheet of the video frames, and then have the material just flipbook through the UV’s of the video. That would give you a pretty similar effect.
How do display widget in game, in new preview code from Github ?
Other than that it looks very quite good right now.
Figured it out:
- Cretate new HUD blueprint.
Add Create Widget and select your widget class.
Even in such a basic form - UMG looks fantastic!
So I am not sure about the final integration plans of UMG and the supporting features of UE4. With both Flash and After Effects experience, I would like to see the ability to isolate an image and create layers that I can control independently. I am just most accustomed to workflows like that and I feel like maybe there will jsut be cross-talk between things like matinee and all that so I suppose I have to wait to find out. I am curious if there is currently a place, other than Trello that has like a working outline? Not so much a timeline but more of a feature list. Features that are planned, and those that are maybe and even features that are not possible?
It would also be AMAZING if we had the ability to use native PSD (Photoshop) files and have access to layers and layer settings similar to how Allegorithmic creates “Smart Textures” and the texture parameters.
Keep up the great work!!
All I really want to see in UMG is dynamic property and evend binding. If my character has 100 HP I want to be able to tell a label to display that value (property binding) with a certain format, e.g. “HP: %d”.
Furthermore it’d be splendid if, aside from various images denoting state, buttons could have color overlays for states. This would speed up prototyping as I couls have just one button and tint it on press, disable etc.
Lastly I’d kill for proper dynamic event binding.
Instead of direct property binding, the plan and current prototype allows you to bind blueprint functions to the value that are sampled every frame. In those you can do arbitrary blueprint logic. So you could get the current players HP and format it as you wish
You guys should be able to get a lot further in 4.3 than you were able to in 4.2, but it’s still super experimental
Simple experiment with what is possible in master currently:
&d=1404142615That is pretty awesome. I am really excited about this. Despite my expertise and understanding of Scaleform - I have felt very limited by it and definitely happy to get away from Flash!
Awesome Nick!
Thanks for working so hard on this!
The extra Love and care you are putting into UMG is showing!
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Keep up the great work Nick!! Very excited for this.
UMG seems to be evolving very fast, congratulations to the whole team at Epic for bringing this great feature.
This new item in the Modes panel, is related to UMG?
Nope, that’s related to Paper2D.
Oh well we have faith in you Nick
UMG looks great, cant wait for 4.3 canyou click and drag elements around? When I tried it in 4.2 I couldn’t seem to move elements around. Then again I didn’t spend much time with it.
Good catch, that shouldn’t be enabled by default (tile map editing hasn’t gotten any attention in 4.3). I’ll take care of that before release.