UMG Movement Jitter

I second this… Pixel snapping in UMG prevents producing subtle motion graphics.

I’m absolutely a big fan of Unreal but this limitation is a real bummer and the work arounds are tedious…

8 years…
This is depressing.

Yes, it is :frowning:

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There is a PR to solve this, unfortunately it appears to be sat in limbo despite this being an obvious problem for years


Thanks for the PR hint, I checked and it’s merged now!

I was having a similar issue (displaying chat bubbles above characters via ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(), which where jittering around when the camera moves). Simply setting SetPixelSnapping(EWidgetPixelSnapping::Disabled); in my user widget NativeConstruct() (also possible in BP) made it a lot smoother!

Click on the image or element that has the issue, click the drop down labeled “Pixel Snapping” click “Disable” in the dropdown box and its fixed.