UMG Minimap | Almost Plug and Play


This seems like a great product. I bought it on the strength of the reviews and after seeing others in this thread praising its quality.


Would you be able to provide some fool-proof documentation on how to integrate this mini map into new projects, or at least point in the direction of what knowledge is prerequisite? (E.g. “a user will ideally have a working knowledge of ‘Blueprints’ and the ‘UMG UI Designer’, and will be able to …”.)

I am a UE4 novice, and after spending a couple of hours going through your “UMG Minimap in UE4 - Basic Setup [1]” and “How to use my UMG Mini Map in Unreal Engine 4” videos with a fine tooth comb, and several more attempting to work through the UE4 documentation on Blueprints and UMG UI, I still have no idea how to add this minimap to a new ‘First-Person Blueprint’ or ‘Vehicle Blueprint’ project. Your videos show me how to set up the minimap within the demo project you supply, but not how to set it up with any other type of project.

Am I missing some fundamental knowledge of UE4 that is obvious to else using your product?

Thanks in advance.

Any suggestions on how to show the largest area possible in the skydome that makes a rectangular/square shape mini-map? I know I need to replace the landscape lookup with something but a little lost, im using the community ocean project for naval warfare and it uses a material for the ocean but id like to use the minimap for an overview and hopefully eventually draw textures or materials overtop to track objects and control units.
Where would I start to simply use the 2dscenecapture on a actor with a mesh with a material which is my ‘landscape’

Hi Nsomnia. If you don’t use a landscape, you manually specify the bounds of the level using the bottom left and top right coordinates. You can just type them in the return node of the GetSizeOfWorld function in the MinimapFunctions blueprint :slight_smile:

Of course you can also put them into some variable in some actor you place in the level (like the CaptureCam) and then get them from the actor in the function so that you have different values for different levels.


I am looking to implement this as a stationary map, like in dota 2, where you see the whole map, and the players and AI move around in it. Is that possible with your system?

Looks great!

Hi , yes, thats possible and very easy to set up. You would just set the follow location to the center of your level, set the zoom to 0 and set the rotation to fit your need :cool:

OK Great, look forward to working with it!

Hi thanks for ur great work! It does help me a lot.
But I have also encountered a problem.
There are several separate landscape in my level , and there will be a instantly transporting motion of the player, from a landscape to another landscape.
You may know the consequence, that after the transporting the minimap disappears.
I have tried to read your every blueprint function, but it seems too hard and time consuming.
Though I am not so good at blueprint, I am a c++ programmer, it might helps if you can just give me some guides.
Of course, a solution better :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!

CaptureCam Cannot move
LogScript:Warning: Attempted to get an item from array CallFunc_GetAllActorsOfClass_OutActors out of bounds [0/0]!

Hi yskwork, what exactly are you doing? I guess you are not using a landscape, so you have to set manual bounds for your level. The CaptureCam is not intended to be ever moved by hand, it set’s itself to the correct location in the construction script :slight_smile:

Can’t save E:/UMGMiniMap49/Content/UMGMiniMap/MiniMap/MiniMap.uasset: Graph is linked to external private object (unknown culprit) (unknown property ref)

Why ?

Is there a demonstration of how to set it up to use a texture?

There is no demonstration, but it’s very easy to do, you just have to add the texture to the material instance. I describe how to do that in the “How to use.txt” file which you can find in the UMGMiniMap/Minimap folder:


Firstly, excellent product. I love how versatile and easy to customize it is - such a timesaver.

It may just be a lack of understanding of UMG on my part, but I’m wanting to make the background/image of the map partially transparent. Should this be possible and as easy as I’d expect it do be? I’ve been mucking around in the materials and umg a bit but can’t seem to find the way to do this.

I noticed another issue too, it didn’t always do it so it’s likely something I’ve done. Using a circle map, for some reason my map icons which I’ve set to turn into arrows, float out to the edge of the minimap square before dissapearing (so they move to outside of the circle map) - when they hit the edges where a square minimap would end, they become arrows around the edge of the circle. Any idea what would be causing this?


Hi Elliot, thanks! :cool:

That’s easy to do, just open the “MovePanel” widget, select the “MapImage” and on the right you can set the “Color and Opacity”, reducing the opacity value will make it partially transparent :slight_smile:

If you use a circle, the frame you use needs to be at least as thick as the points you use, because the points can only fade out once they are completely hidden behind the frame, otherwise they would disappear before they are fully out of view. If your frame is thick enough and you still see issues, maybe the padding you use for your frame is wrong?


How are You? All OK???

Were you able to solve the issue masking the minimap using rounded or circular border shapes in UMG Editor? Or this is only possible using C++?

All the Best

Hi I’m trying to set up your MiniMap with the help of your youtube Video. I basicly copied your UMG Folder into my project and followed your Tutorial. I got stuck in the beginning when it’s necessary to override the “OnMouseMove” Function. There’s a warning message -> see the screenshot. The warning shows up on at least 2 (OnTouchStarted & OnKeyDown) other functions. Any idea how to fix this?

Hi Berndimator, just search for the “Unhandled” node and connect it to the return node :slight_smile:

Hi thanks for your quick answer! I’m super new to the unreal engine and I don’t really understand how to do it. Can you give me a more deatailed descreption on how to do it? I started working with blueprints 1 ago…

Try right clicking on the Blueprint graph background, a dialog with an input field should appear. Type “unhandled” into this input field and now the required node should appear. Click on it so that it is created and placed on the Blueprint graph. Now connect its output pin to the “Return Value” pin of the Return Node on your screenshot by dragging from one pin to the other.

I don’t have the mini map Blueprint at hand right now, but hope that helps. :slight_smile:

Hi Zenity! Works! :slight_smile: Awesome, thank you so much!!!
I expected it to be easy… but not so easy. LOL. Well, as a newbie, often the simplest tasks end up being difficult.

Another nice piece I found is this helpfull tutorial of Tesla, it shows how to get the UI on the screen.Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - UMG - Basic Menu - YouTube
Once again thx to the both of you! :slight_smile: