UMG autowrap makes text flicker upon appearing

Once reproduced (thanks for patience, btw!) it’s pretty horrible to look at, indeed. It seems we’d actually need 2 full frames before this is ready.

I started with render Opacity 0.

ForceLayoutPrepass does not help in this scenario. Another note, this only manifest when the widget is first constructed. Further updates handle desired size well.

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Thank you for taking the time to dig into this with me!

So if I set a short text, and then later a longer text, the Height of the widget will be updated immediately and the text will not be cropped?

Yes. This seems to be related to the widget being constructed. If you can construct ahead of time and later hide / show (rather than add / remove from viewport, which would trigger construct), it seems to behave pretty normal. And that’s without Delay or Prepass.

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