UI drag and drop at a specific location in the 3d world.

1 CardBP and 1 SlotBP and you instantiate each 4 times but with different values. For slots you can use a child actor component and have it instantiate the actor automatically. So you’d just add 4 components to the board.

I mean, it’s only 4 - ever, you can just plop down 4 slot actors in the scene and set their enumeration values manually.

One small doubt I have different cards should I add them all to a widget and then call that widget in the player character BP would that solve the issue ?

Not sure what the issue is. The player can spawn the cards.

Also, if you’re curious how a matching enumeration logic can be set up, you can have a look here:

It’s a somewhat similar system where only the correct colour is allowed. In your case, you’d allow all matches but the ones line up correctly would produce greater rewards.