Fantastic. Thanks for the quick response.
As it stands, I found a work-around by creating a FSM class which I configure before attaching to the actor.
Really impressed with how it all works - really cleans up the blueprints.
Fantastic. Thanks for the quick response.
As it stands, I found a work-around by creating a FSM class which I configure before attaching to the actor.
Really impressed with how it all works - really cleans up the blueprints.
Epic processed the update 2.0 with fixes and changes listed above;
You should be able to download it from Launcher now.
Submitted v2.0.2 with a hotfix for the last known one bug I’m aware of:
I am not good at English. Please understand this.
I’m going to ask some questions.
Can this plug-in replace the UE’s State-Machine?
StateMachine used in AnimBP
I want to make it with c++ and use it.
Is this possible?
Questions about how to use.
It is not easy to understand the documents listed above.
So I asked a question.
If you answer, it will be very helpful.
Hi hello,
I need to use for Multiplayer how can I do any code or clear example ?
I try serveral hours. It’s not replicate at all although I’m enable replicate setting.
Shame on me…
Since last year I have a list of tutorials I must do for this plugin, but I am still under contract witha company and while this company don’t release me I cannot sit and develop the tutorials this plugin needs.
But I didn’t give up yet, one day I going to make them :s
About your questions:
#1 No, you can use Animation FSMs to “control” states of this plugin(if you want to).
You can otherwise development your own FSM Blueprint and make it run totally unrelated to AnimBPs.
I think some people assume “AnimBPs are required to use this”, that is not the case! It’s a possibility, not a requirement.
2# Again, you can keep everything in your FSM Component, you don’t have to use AnimBPs if your game don’t need this “link” between the two systems.
I’m supposed to make a tutorial about this, maybe a character movement system… I’m open to suggestions on what you people would like to see covered on a demo/tutorial Blueprint.
Check on FSM Component’s Details panel which “Replication Mode” is set.
For Unreal, “none” mode means no condition is set and it will replicate to everyone…
By default: a FSM Component is set to replicate from Server to Owner Client only, you can change that in Details Panel.
Thank you for your answer.
Your answer is very helpful.
You should build your plugins with a non-unity build so they catch missing includes/decls
UFSM_Log.cpp is missing include for UStateMachineComponent
UFSM_StateMachineComponent.cpp is missing include for UFSMSettings
UFSM_StateMachineComponent.cpp is missing include for LOG_FSM (#include “UFSM_Log.h”)
UFSM_StateMachineComponent.cpp is missing include for ACharacter
UFSM_StateMachineComponent.cpp is missing include for USkeletalMeshComponent
UFSM_StateMachineComponent.cpp is missing include for UStateMachineABP
UFSM_StateMachineABP.cpp is missing include for UStateMachineComponent
Seems like I just forgot to move a few things to “_Shared.h”
v2.0.6 is uploaded to Marketplace;
This latest update (for Unreal 4.20+) now includes pre-built binaries for Windows, Linux, Android, Mac and iOS platforms.
I’ve just tried both the 4.18 and 4.19 version of the plugin and the +Functions button no longer works.
Debugging, I see that this:
const auto &BP = GetBuilderBlueprint(OBJ);
On line 213 of IUFSM_Editor.cpp is returning null.
I’d really like to use this plugin for my current project. Any chance of a quick patch?
The function generator button only work when you create a Blueprint asset for your FSM Component.
Then you attach to your Actor an instance of that FSM asset, instead of attaching a “raw” FSM Component to it.
Hello, I’m getting load errors about the node “FSM: Blend State Machines” in my animation blueprint when restarting my project.
The error says “Can’t find file for asset” and it removes the node from my animation blueprint, which breaks it.
That error means you have a “FSM Blend” node in ThirdPerson_AnimBP… but the plugin apparently isn’t installed ?!
“Failed to load /Script/xxx…” means you don’t have that C++ class anywhere in your project.
I wonder how you managed to do that (unless you simply don’t have the plugin installed at all);
I’ve been using that node on all my AnimBlueprints for years now and I’ve never seen that error:
The plugin is installed, I double-checked.
But I found something, the error is located in ThirdPerson_AnimBP, which is the animation blueprint generated by the “Third Person” template (which I changed the parent class for “StateMachineABP”),
However, if I create a new animation blueprint inheriting from StateMachineABP and put the node “Blend State Machines” in it, the error does not appear and my node stay there.
Anyway, thank for the quick feedback, this was a strange behaviour but at least it can be easily fixed
Oh wait, the problem is way more complex than that actually, and I can’t seem to be able to fix it.
The real source of the error is if the animation blueprint class is referenced somewhere in my character blueprint, be it on the mesh component itself, or in the blueprint (ie, I tried to fix it by setting the anim class to none on the mesh & setting the anim instance in the begin play, but the error was still present).
I’m running out of solution, maybe I configured badly my animation blueprint, but I don’t see how, any idea?
Sounds like you have copied those Blueprints from another project and they are just corrupted files.
I haven’t done much research into this issue because I haven’t had time, but lately I’ve been running into this whenever I hot reload my project. I get the error the next time I launch. I can clear it if I do a rebuild (as the compiler sees the old hot reload files, and removes them) but yeah. It’s been killing my workflow lately having to rebuild every time I do a hot reload and relaunch the editor.
Assertion failed: GIsHotReload [File:D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectBase.cpp] [Line: 606]
Trying to recreate class 'UFSMInterface' outside of hot reload!
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000098
0x00007ffbb7580f31 UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!IncrementalPurgeGarbage() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\garbagecollection.cpp:1113]
0x00007ffbb763f50f UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!StaticExit() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\obj.cpp:4304]
0x00007ffbb7440a57 UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!TBaseStaticDelegateInstance<void __cdecl(void)>::ExecuteIfSafe() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl.h:788]
0x00007ff62d2d0134 UE4Editor.exe!TBaseMulticastDelegate<void>::Broadcast() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\\delegates\delegatesignatureimpl.inl:937]
0x00007ff62d2cffb6 UE4Editor.exe!FEngineLoop::AppPreExit() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:4231]
0x00007ff62d2d50af UE4Editor.exe!FEngineLoop::Exit() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:3017]
0x00007ff62d2d5b71 UE4Editor.exe!GuardedMain() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:177]
0x00007ff62d2d5bba UE4Editor.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:144]
0x00007ff62d2e3dac UE4Editor.exe!WinMain() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:223]
0x00007ff62d2e5aaa UE4Editor.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:283]
0x00007ffbffc67e94 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction ]
0x00007ffc01b5a251 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction ]
It did not used to do this… However it’s been so long, I have no idea what I might have done to cause it. Any help is appreciated (:
I’m not hot-reload user (there’s only one plugin I use hot-reloading with) so I’m not sure…
But with hot-reloading shouldn’t you move plugins from Marketplace folder to your project folder to make it work properly?
I’m in the dark just like you on this one, but I would give that a try.
No problem! I have everything moved over to my project folder already, as I do with all plugins. I’ll keep an eye on it, just wanted to see if you possibly knew anything.
Thanks for the response! (: