UE5 on MacOS Monterey (beta 7)?

I finally got it working with C++ and UE5 Xcode 13.0 and Monterey b8. It wasn’t easy though, here are the basic steps:

  • Fork and Clone the UE4/5 repo, https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/tree/5.0.0-early-access-2, you want the branch ue5-main
  • Make sure you have read/write permissions in the directory (FOrk and Clone should take care of it)
  • Run Setup command, and the Generate Project Files command in the root of fork clone
  • Update your Project Workspace Settings so it’s the New Build System not the Legacy one, it may be already set
  • Open Xcode 13, build the ShaderCompileWorker target
  • build the UE5 project target
  • Run UE5, and select C++, works fine

Bear in mind this whole process took me about 2 hours. An hour to clone and update, an hour to build. It may be quicker on your machine, but my MacBook Pro was chugging along, it sounded like a damned jet engine. Also I ran out of memory at some point and had to rebuild.

My specs are i9 intel, 32 GB RAM, Radeon Pro 20 2019 MBP.