Well, your CPU is really old, that’s probably a big part of it. Also, Doom is pretty heavily optimized and not that demanding on systems anyways.
Dont worry i’ve noticed this too. it’s because of the render overhead and i’m assuming because alot of the engine was recoded. when you run dx11/dx11.1/dx12 it uses more vram,ram,cpu. but this is a compensation of course, as dx12 is more a-synchronous. basically meaning dx11 and dx12 can communicate with the cpu to gpu more efficiently at the cost of that darn overhead. now if im wrong tell me, but i have tested this over and over again with both udk and ue4 editors and gameplay. and this is the reason why i am sticking with directx 9 for right now. now if you remember when dx8 was transitioning to dx9 it took quite sometime for alot of the cards to work efficiently with it. but i must say, it wasnt as bad as this.if you dont want the unecessary vram,cpu,ram consumption i highly suggest switching back to the good ol UDK. heck im still working with it and it runs just fine. if you must need the eye candy and excessive motion blur and stuff ue4 would be for you. the only reason im not using ue4 yet is because as far as i know gpu acceleration for physics isnt fully functional yet.when it does i will begin to work with it maybe…if i can figure out a way to make it so it eats less vram. anyways i still love both engines, they are the best in their class and have the most options to work with for free game developers.
3 years later and I’m still having issues with games that run on UE4, and Unity as well. And Destiny 2, can’t do anything about the aliasing except pump up resolution which isn’t quite practical…and yes I like referring back to Doom. Looks great, runs great. Destiny 2 looks great but there’s like almost no post-processing or whatever, and you can’t change anything in the Nvidia CP/Profile Inspector, as well as UE4 games, they use deferred shading/rendering I found out, so hardware tweaking does hardly anything sadly. Now it could just be the developers not optimizing their games well enough, or maybe it’s just a coincidence that Unity and UE4 and other deferred rendering engines I seem to have issues with. Being 5 years old, my computer seems old by technology ‘standards’ altho it still runs great for it being that old…
Still waiting for DX12 to do something lol…only reason I switched to 10 from 7 was the hype. The latest Deus Ex is the only game I’ve played that uses it I think, and yeah I take a performance hit when getting up on the settings, but still does my games and my audio and video editing decently. Someone mentioned to me that Mechwarrior Online was more optimized for Intel cpus or something, cause that’s another game I tried that doesnt’ run like Hawken did. Not sure if the Nvidia 900 series has problems with certain types of rendering? SEveral games I’ve played using UE4 have framerate problems. One game had audio problems back in 2015 and I was told UE4 had issues with that, latency if it wasn’t on an ssd. But yeah…I remember when UT was awesome back when it came out. Not sure what happened to the one they stopped production on recently. Made a quick video of Doom Vulkan vs. OpenGL and Vulkan feels more smoother it seems:
and a newer UE4 game that’s still early access, but seems to be what I keep running into in terms of performance with that engine (usually)
Doom has a different architecture, OpenGL and its successor Vulkan. It is known to run fast and optimized. I don’t know much of the differences on a deeper level but I do know that UE4 suffers from a few things, during development we noticed areas concerning streaming and other such optimizations stutter or lag during load times in game. Better memory management for textures and texture streaming methods can also be helpful to be implemented.
Other areas are more or less up to developers. You can’t expect to throw 20 dynamic lights in a complex scene and have it work fine.
I wish Forward rendering gets more attention in UE4, running things there certainly up the performance.
Your machine is not up to today’s specs, I can imagine it will suffer under those titles running on high settings.
Bottom line is, engines such as Unity and UE tend to try to satisfy all customers, try to be the swiss army knife, and so they may get bloated with features unnecessary for devs looking to make one type of game. Id tech is designed for First person shooters and recently all effort was put to make just doom with the engine and not a platformer or a third person shooter.
This makes the engine geared towards just that one thing and best optimized for it.
AMD FX-8320? Are you serious? That CPU was already bad at gaming when it came out in 2012.
And Doom running smoothly doesn’t surprise me, it’s optimized by people who really know their stuff, you can’t compare it to the average Unity or UE4 game.