UE4 Too much RAM use

Funny you say that I was playing the game at the current time here and the editor was not opened this time, I was playing the game and it still gave up with the low RAM message popping up.

Whats going on? I played the game from beginning and end in the past and I never experienced this, I don’t even know whats going on anymore.

Games are not preconfigured at the highest specs . Believe me I have 16 GB RAM yet building the lighting of a big level takes considerable amount of time .

Well as of a few minutes I woke up and tried to see what to do about the game and when I opened the editor to attempt further optimization the most incredible thing happened it mysteriously started
compiling a level that was already compiled and I received BOTH Low RAM and Low VRAM messages.

I swear I want to give up as far to what I can see the game is a lost cause whats next? will it go after my 1GB of Virtual Memory?

I’m to the point where this feels hopeless 8GB was the recommended amount I read it on there website in the past my RAM wasn’t enough so I got the extra amount but this some how is not enough
I build my games with efficiency in mind and the RAM usage feels like a broken Engine I say this based of my previous experience with the game on other versions the latest one eats too much RAM.

I don’t even know anymore.

With the specs that you have you might be right…stop developing with UE4. Maybe try Unity? While it doesn’t have the fidelity of UE4 it can run against lower end machines.


Well if only it was that simple especially when you threw 3 years into making the game, il probably insist on the CryEngine 5 next project, but with this one I’m willing to try to optimize it more aggressively
even if it means rebuilding the world.

I cracked it the engine is using less RAM now Volumetric Fog and the Exponent were causing some problems as well.

Sorry to open a yr + a little later, but this is very important:

Ive done some research and my i5-3570 which yes is showing some age, but not hugely , takes alot of bucks to actually beat it ( Single core speed ), short of 8 or more cores, so what really is the pricepoint worth spending 100$ ? I already have a , yes challenged cpu on a few levels,but upgrading is a very mixed bag , given my Single speed >turbo boost is in the 3.4>3.7 range and I’ve even seen , allegedy someone point to boost speeds of 4.7, but no doubt for very small amounts of time, OR a typo! ;-0 point is what point to I jump for simple a few extra .x gain if ue4 can only use up to *2 cores given rendering uses no more ? YES ilghting, shaders,fine huge.

What was the point you were making about ssd’s ?

  • I read ( if true ) that UE4 uses only 2 cores for rendering.

" So technicly UE4 uses all cores, but only 2 for game and rendering, which require heavier work. "

https://answers.unrealengine.com/que…4-support.html ^^


Baking is multi-threaded, so if you get a faster processor then it’ll be faster. Besides that, I would imagine that different things within the software is multi-threaded, not everything benefits from it so some won’t be. Probably things like physics and AI are.

Ty darth for that ,tho I was specifically asking about rendering, which ue4 uses for viewport yes ?

That is what I’m worried about the most honestly as my i5-3570 is prob. adequate ISH for the moment for multi-core baking/lighting/shaders.

If you’re OK with it, that’s one thing, but it’s 6 years old and wasn’t exactly top of the line when it originally came out, you’ll notice a significant difference if you upgrade to a current processor.

I prob. wasn’t clear enough,- yes if I had the money ,which atm I do not, then by all means I need to upgrade- but the main reason I posted , was because while the intel side to upgrade is much more expensive so I tend to favor amd and getting better multi-core out of it for the price ( ryzen), the upgrade for Single Core is far from ideal, and the money I would spend for a tiny,minor SC improvement is almost not worth it, and I’m talking about a price point around $200 or so,scary to think my i5-3570, at its age is still not so ancient afterall if you take into account the price entry point- at least what I"ve looked at so far anyway.

Ive checked various websites and the differences are very minor, hence my hesitation to upgrade :wink:

I"m far from a hardware expert so maybe someone who is more knowledgeable can offer advice, but what I"m seeing, I’d have to spend far more than $200 to make the money spent given my current CPU, to be worth it.

I know , spending even $150 for ryzen 5 1600x OR so IS so worth it, but only really for the MC of 4 now, vs 8 afterwards, so I double my performance capacity,but now much headway on SC speed- based on my observations on data anyway- again if I"m not seeing this 100% clearly pls anyone let me know.

Also I still need an answer on: Does ue4 only use ( and I don’t mean it disparagingly at all) 1-2 cores on rendering, which is the ability to easily handle ( or not) use of the editor , say in world comp which can entail lots of ram use and cpu cores. Thats what I really need to know, bc IF thats true then upgrading is only going to give me a bumpx2(?) for shaders , lighting and–can’t think of the 3rd atm…anyway you get the idea.

TY anyone(s) I appreciate input on any of this, but I really need answer on how many cores UE4 can devote to rendering as editor/rendering is paramount for devs on largeISH projects like mine is quickly becoming.

Yes it does use more than one cores im surprised if it didn’t, did you try using a different multi thread API? “Vulkan , DirectX 12”?

You might want to switch your API in order to use more cores the odds of you using more might not be there if your game is DirectX 11 or OpenGL.

I personally stick with DirectX 12 but im stuck with a lousy single core CPU from 2013 but im extremely efficient with my games, at the time I posted this
I think the issue was me basically blaming the engine for the lack of RAM but it was actually my own fault for disabling SuperFetch on Services because
I read somewhere about SuperFetch but disabling it was a all time mistake on my end and with SuperFetch enabled everything worked like intended again.

Also you have a i5-3570… how is that underpowered? I wish I had at least a i3 Intel CPU im stuck with a Pentium I stick with heavy optimization so I tend to
prefer to use more underpowered hardware, and wont get a new CPU till im done with my current project.

Try changing the API to DirectX 12 or Vulkan. “IF THIS IS RELATING TO INGAME” if not than YES UE4 does use more than one core.

In both the editor and in game the engine uses multiple cores, draw calls are a command from the CPU to the GPU and that is multi-threaded, and it’s one of the biggest bottlenecks. A 5 year old processor is pretty ancient in technology terms. So yes, if you upgrade to a current processor then it’s going to improve things.

Well the i5-3570 I have, is not a recent high -end CPU:Essentials

That is 6 yrs ago, but I can run nearly any game out there, every app out there, with literal ease, though of course I"ve not tried any major demanding , current games- there likely I"d be running medium settings.

According to dxdiag, I am running DX12 so I guess I"m all good- does that mean then that I"m getting the best performance from UE4 given that ? I presume so.

I suppose more ram is part of my troubles , but I"m not sure how much.

I find it hard to believe the i5 is the weak point of my system- granted its 6 yrs old processor but according to many sites its still a very good CPU:
http://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare…100/m793vs3942 < shows my i5, while yes ‘a tad slower’ than the intro model from intel the i3-8100, I"m not THAT much slower–thats why I was asking about rendering/editor and single core because I had to be sure–if the editor/viewport rendering was only single core then upgrading wouldn’t make alot of sense given I can’t afford to spend hundreds ( 2-4) to get a nice single core jump, but if as I"m being told that the viewport rendering of ue4 DOES use multiple cores then getting a 8 threaded ryzen might well be finally worth it, bc while I won’t depend on ryzen APU unit bc I have a more than adequate GPU ( even it is showing some age given NV is already past 1080 into 2000 range OMG), it won’t hurt having a vulcan unit in case my GPU dies ,- at least until I can get to the store ;)lol

So thx everyone, that was the issue I was the most worried about, is if renderer was not going to use all cores then upgrade would make alot less sense given price point needed to ‘jump’ adequately and make spending $100 + ‘worth it’.

EDIT: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113480 , looks like a NICE price point, not that much faster than my i5, but enough to warrant expenditure along WITH having 8 cores and newer arch- and its beats out intel i3-8300 of very similar price and I"m getting twice as many cores, that I need.

Opinions ?

That was not what I ment actually what I ment was that you should change your games API to either Vulkan or DX12 by creating a shortcut of your game
on the desktop and right clicking it , select properties and at the very end of the “Target” text add Vulkan or DX12 at the very end.

DX12 Example “C:\Something\Something” -dx12
Vulkan Example “C:\Something\Something” -vulkan

TY for that info , I had no idea you could even do that, but I already have a dx12 system so why do I need to append it with -dx12 when my system is running, dx12–that makes no sense at all- besides my system already runs any game I"ve thrown at it so far on epic settings #@1920x1080, zero sweat.
Also, its not games I"m worried about, i’m a long ways away,far far away from creating a game from what I have thus far- my current and only concern, is that the editors viewport rendering is more than single core- something I saw on a answers.unrealengine post–apparently the guy was way off --:

https://answers.unrealengine.com/que…4-support.html < this- as you can see near bottom, he says:

" So technicly UE4 uses all cores, but only 2 for game and rendering, which require heavier work. "
I can accept he’s very wrong, just wanted to show why I was asking in the first place, bc I had no idea if he was right or not.

SPeaking of all this performant,- as I get more and more tiles in WOrld Comp , how much will extra ram really help for large worlds or is it all about threats and high cpu speeds ? I"m asking because all I have are four tiles , yes at 5101 each and hardly no static meshes, no animations and zero ocean.


Sorry to hear this gent is having problems, sounds like a mell of a hess, so far I can’t say that I’m having issues, tho I have nothing to compare it to as I don’t recall running ue4 via dx11 as I"ve had windows 10 for as long as I"ve been dev with ue4.

By default it’s running in DX11, and you don’t need DX12 to get improvement, DX11 uses multi-threaded draw calls.
Unless you specifically set UE4 to run in DX12 then it’s running in DX11

DDR4 is still pricey tho