UE4 Scripting Language

My case was, the need for compilation in-game, we had to kill that idea because there’s nothing plausible out there and doing myself is a massive task that would take way too long to wait, the work must go on so C++ it is…

When time allows I will again experiment with scripting and see if there’s a way to compile scripts in-game while a level is loading. Python would be tolerable in this case, you can see a good example in RTS games such as Age of Empires 3 where maps are generated by interpreted scripts during loading screen, this is what I particularly need to achieve.

Hi guys!

Can someone from Epic tell us what’s happening to the new IL?
I know as a fact that Epic is working hard on it but it’s been radio silent more than a year since Tim first hinted it.

I guess it will require some major overhaul for the underlying architecture and UE5 would be a good place to first introduce it, however, I wish we have some info before everything is written in stone or it may get canceled.
It’s a greater concern than who might get elected as the President. ^^
So, please shed light upon us who are waiting very patiently.

Yeah, I’m an old UE3 developer and I miss UnrealScript very much for its productivity boost.
And I admit that I’m biased because I can’t stand BP spaghettis and babysitting C++ headers.

So please save me(us??) from the pain.


If you want a quick patchy work, please take a look at until the new scripting language comes out. It’s just that it’s not maintained anymore, however, it’s still very powerful. My minimum expectation is that the new scripting language will be a superset of since the same guy is working on it. ^^

We will see what comes out of the Epic, hopefully soon. Until then I’ll play with . ^^


As has been noted in the minimal video teases of Verse :

We have a VS Code plugin and some evolving home grown stuff though you should be able to use the favorite code editor :tm: of your choice.

[I didn’t notice your ping to @anonymous_user_52cc6b721 - I almost exclusively use my Epic staff account @Conan_Reis now. :grin:]