UE4 on Linux Must Be Improved

build for linux empty ThirdPersonTemplate (windows 10, i5-6600K, 32 Gb, UE 4.20) takes : 2398.25 seconds
yeahhh)) very want this to be improved

update: from command line faster , just change Win64 to Linux, but after this source always rebuilded no matter if project only chosen

Does no-one develop for Linux because no-one games on Linux, or does no-one game non Linux because no one develops for Linux?

That’s just a corporate lie invented by ms.
I play video games on GNU/Linux and I develop video games and other software for GNU/Linux using GNU/Linux.
But they have all the billions of money to waste on smearing campaigns and they are doing this for decades because the moment enough people realize you can just stop using windows and be fine, they will loose everything.

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