Ue4 generating breackpoints while trying to implement component class

Hi , thanks for answering :wink:

I finally managed to get it works by pacthing knowledge from here and there, my biggest mistake was problably initializing it the wrong way in the constructor. Here is what I did if someone ever asks

I derived from ActorComponent, giving me a class I had to manually link to my pawn, this error message came when i put

      UPROPERTY(Category = Comp, VisibleDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly)µ
      TSubobjectPtr[class UOF_ColorComponent] ColorComp;

(I replaced <> by [ ] here because things inside disappear)

and tryed to initialize it by following

wich didn’t seems to work ( I am an almost total newb in c++ and programming btw, I might be wrong :wink:

after doing some research I ended with a simple

      AOF_Pawn::AOF_Pawn(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
      : Super(PCIP)
      ColorComp = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject[UOF_ColorComponent](this, TEXT("ColorComp"));

and #include “OF_ColorComponent” in my header file

it seems to do what I’m looking for so far, inheritance of my component class, I just hope I didn’t miss something for the moment I’ll call it in any functions later.