UE4 freeze after double clicking or editing constant 3 vectors

After all my google chrome is still freezing too…

If you open your Nvidia control panel>3D Settings>Manage 3D Settings>Global Settings tab, there should be an option for Preferred Graphics Processor Select. Open that context menu and select the Nvidia card and apply the changes there. If this does not work you may have to set some individual settings for UE4 in particular, but I don’t know yet if that will be required.

I’ve changed the Nvidia settings so the graphic card is the one prefered but my engine is still freezing.

My C drive is pretty full.
2.58gb free on 118gb.
Do you think this could be the reason of the freezing?

it is definitely possible, though not likely. The intermediate data folder saves shader compilation data, which can be bulky. If the folder has a lot of data in it it may be having difficulty adding additional information. Tomorrow our rendering team members will be in and I’m going to talk to them about what other possibilities there could be in regards to this error.

Again, trying to foolow the simple material tutorial I have this Runtime error (see the attached jpg file)

This occurs just selecting a constant vector.
Very fustrating. I just can’t wait to begin pratcticing on the engine…

I have my engine freezing also when I try to import a simple Max Teapot fbx file. The problem seams to be the same as the material one because I have a pop up window stuck into my task bar and I cannot open it (this time a fbx import option window and for the material problem a color picker window)
See the jpg attached.

Hi waner -

From the conversation that you and have had it sounds like there is an issue with some of your Visual C++ Redistributables. First thing I would ask you to try is running Windows Update and make sure that there is no available updates. If there is download and restart you computer as necessary until you have no updates. Then Open the Launcher and Re-Verify the Engine Download.

If after you do both of those things you are still having an issue, then just after reproducing the freeze and I am assuming after you either crash a runtime as above or have to CTRL-ALT-DELETE out of the engine, open Windows Event Viewer and save out the last few errors and criticals messages generated by your PC (you can see Microsoft’s website for the instructions for Windows Event Viewer.) Once you have saved out those files, them up and post them here so we can take a look.

From your descriptions above though I would imagine that updating those redistributables will fix the issue.

Thank You

Hi Eric,
I 've made the maximum of c++ updates i could do. Some of them couldn’t install because it said that visual need to be install on my system to run these updates. Do I need Visual to run the engine?
After that I restarted my OS and then verify the engine before running it.
Finaly I started the engine and I still have the same problem.
I made a little research on how to use winows envent viewer.
I started it after my freezing. I’m not 100% sure to have done what you asked me to do because all of these is a little bit chinese for me…
I opened some of the errors (I could not find one with the same time the freeze happened) and I copy pasted it to a text file. Then I ziped the files as you told me.link text

Can you check your version numbers with the ones in the picture below:

Thank You

Hi Eric,
I’ve made a prinscreen of my installed visual C++.
It’s not the same as your list but most of those which are missing are x86 and when I tried to install it the installer told me it was not compatible with my OS (since I’m running in 64 bits).
I see that you have Visual Professional 2013 installed on your system whitch is not the case for me. Do I need to install it to run the engine?

HI Warner -

You should not need to have Visual Installed but the runtime error you are getting has to be associated with an error in the Redistributables or the dotNET Framework. Take a look at this Microsoft Answer article and see if you can follow it to a solution,


Hi Eric,

Sorry for the long time…
I followed step by step the instructions of the link you gave me but the problem is still the same with my engine.
The article talk about “Microsoft .NET framework 3.5.1” but in my system it is written “3.5” not “3.5.1”.
Do you think this could be a problem?

Thank you Eric

Hi waner_garouche -

Not a problem. NET Framework from Microsoft is running on version 4.5.1. Try downloading this latest version which can be found here:


and see if your problem clears up. If not feel free to comeback and comment here.

Thank You

Hi Eric
It says that it is already installed in my system…

Hi -

Are you using ReadyBoost on your CPU while trying to use the engine?

Thank You


I fixed my problem thanks to GTA V.
I hadd trouble running this game and after a research on the web I figured out that I had to exit some of MSI graphics softwares optimisation that were running. After closing all this stuff my game was running without problem (before it was crashing all the time).
Then I tried my UE4 engine and…boom! Everthing is now running nice and clean.
Hope this will help someone else!


Hey waner_garouche, I’ve also got a similar problem with my MSI! I’ve opened it up as a question hoping to find a solution, but could you tell me what MSI graphics optimization softwares you’re referring to? It may just fix my problem too!


Hi AarunJon,

I could not determine what was the cause of the bug but if you close all apps running in the right side of your task bar it should work.

Hope this will help you