UE4 Automatic Level Builder :: Construction and Pipeline Scripts

That is amazing news! So it will work the same as Maya with his plugin in his videos?

This one will just be a mass compiler. (Instantly take a fully built scene from one to the other.)
I can look into how his maya version is made and try to make one for Max. (Unless he is already planning on doing that).

Sounds great, both would be very useful, thanks!

This will likely prove to be an invaluable tool for Environment Artists and Level Architects building in UE4. Thanks,JBaldwin!

No problem Chance :slight_smile:

It is a fun little script to work on.

A dream come true. to be able to be able to build my scene in max and import the whole thing into a game engine editor. still a lot to be done in the editor of course, but to duplicate a complex set will be a HUGE, HUGE timesaver for me. way more than the 20 hours claimed. For me it will save probably over 100-200 hours (I work slow).
I predict that I’ll be able to do things that I would not have even attempted.

Now, if it could 1:1 rebuild Max materials in UE4… :wink:

I honestly enjoy the UE3 / UE4 material editors much more than Max or Maya. What would be interesting though is a UE4 Previewer for your external application :slight_smile:
That sounds like something I might actually have to take a stab at creating.

The previewer would have a window where the model was viewable, then another window for the UE4 material editor. It would then replace one of the viewports in max or maya.
That way, things such as fixing texture errors, fixing normal maps, UV edits, or LOD modification would be much faster and more interactive.


UE4 (and 3) has a better material editor than Max.

There are a lot of features in the UE engines that I would love to see in other 3D applications, it’s one of the reasons I have been so drawn to UE in general.

I did a short tutorial showing how I used maxscript to select unique meshes within mesh sets.

This helped me in this script to rename objects and export objects without ever having to click any buttons or set any options.


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nah, me not can max :smiley: I’m not personally planning on doing a max-implementation. Please check out the m2u repository or fork it. There is still a very old husk of a max-implementation lying around in there (using blur studios python for max I think) that a friend of me wrote back then for UDK, but he has no time to get back on working on this. Of course that would have to be trashed completely, but the benefit of writing in python according to the m2u structure would be that it could also work with the Unity engine, once that implementation is working (a friend working on that)

Of course it would technically be possible to build materials in UE automatically, but I think there is not much use for that really, because people prefer to edit materials where they see how they look immediately.
Automatically importing all the referenced textures of course could speed up the workflow a bit. So that would be another option…

Any news on the Blender version?

Holy moly…

I’d truly love that for C4D!

I would love to commission a blender version of that Plugin :slight_smile:

How is this project coming along? I’m not sure from the thread, is there a working version of this for Maya? Is it that there is an extant solution and you are porting it to 3ds Max?

I’m curious as well- this is on my watch list!

Wow this is fantastic!

I can’t wait to get my hands on the Maya version. Will this work with Maya LT 2015? I need this BIG time for a project I’m currently working! Great to find this thread and thanks

Hey Jeremy,

This is exactly what I was looking for on the forums any ETA on completion? Thanks man cant wait.

hey guys whats happen to this script ? ready?

BUUUUUUUUMP! please share with us. Direct links on google died, where may i find that script, this is the most awesome thing i have ever found :stuck_out_tongue: