[UE4.7.0 Bug] Deploying to Nexus 9: ERROR: Unknown NDK architecture 'arm64-v8a'

Where is uedeployandroid.cs? Do I have to get the source for 4.7.2 and recompile it?

Yes. You have to recompile UnrealBuildTool.

1.Change Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Android\UEBuildAndroid.cs

2.Open UE4.sln

3.Build UnrealBuildTool.

Is this OK.

switch (UE4Arch)
case “-armv7”: return “armeabi-v7a”;
case “arm64-v8a”: return “-arm64”;
case “-x86”: return “x86”;

I would still like the armv 7 option.
Is they anyway to do a build on the source without doing the whole file again? I tried rebuild it is still taking forever.

Ok, I’ve had our Android guy take a look at this, and he’s going to make some changes to make the Nexus 9 support a little easier to happen. This should make it into the 4.7.3 update that will come out next week. Hold tight until then, and that update should resolve this. Thank you for your patience.

Great, thanks Wittlief. Really looking forward to this.


Downloading 4.7.3. Has anyone tried it? Did it fix the problem.

Yep, tried it with the binary build of 4.7.3 and it works a treat!

Thanks Epic/Epic platform team!

It now pushes the app to the Nexus 9. However, DM’s, physics does not work. I don’t see any indication that arm64-v8a is enabled. Minxies have you tried a FPS game with a DM?

Sorry, haven’t tried a destructible mesh (not in my current project’s scope)

Sounds like you might need to post a LogCat of your Android app and hopefully others may be able to help.

LogCats can be obtained with tools like Android Studio.

Best of luck.