UE4.25 Can't get steam to work on latest version.

I’ve updated the repository, so there is a 4.26 build.
Enjoy :slight_smile:

Download link

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Wow, thanks so much for taking the time and effort to make this plugin.
It works perfectly!

hi…my game doesn’t work with steam…i try a lot to do this…i add everything to my project and,made changes in default engine ini file.in last time it’s worked…but i continue my project and pakaged it.but it’s doesn’t work…please help me to fix this problem.

edit so I found solution for 4.27 without any plugin!! For a bit I though the plugin solution worked for me but turns out I solved by accident while adding plugin.

My solution was first follow this to the letter - Online Subsystem Steam | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation

Note here for saftey, I followed as well the steps to update SDKs to Steamv157 and also copied over all .dlls even the not needed for my case “tier0_s.dll”.

In the docu above is a imporant missing step though, enabling Steam Online Subsystem Plugin! intrestingly when I enabled the plugin in project, my project no longer complied xD (plugin was added to project folder). Seemed to add as well to my “Engine folder” so I just deleted the OnlineSubsystemSteam from my project plugins, but kept the changed .UProjectFile which then had the added lines

“Name”: “OnlineSubsystemSteam”,
“Enabled”: true

Then running standalone steam worked for me! Keep in mind steam needs to be open and you need to be online! Not sure if steam must be open first or after unreal project, but might change things. GL HF!