A reply would be nice. “Yes we are looking into it.” “No, there is nothing we can do.” Anything really at this point. It is almost one month now and we still can’t work with 4.17. This is causing a serious delay on our schedule and we need to know how to proceed. Please, a reply would be nice. Thank you.
Hi Sutorcen,
Sorry for the delay. Are you still using 4.17.0, or do you see the same results with 4.17.1? In 4.17.1, we disable Metal for some hardware configurations that are consistent with the Nvidia/Metal conflict to try to avoid that crash. If you are still seeing this happening in 4.17.1, then your crash is probably similar to, but not identical to, that crash, and it may be one that we have not identified yet. I have not had the Editor crash when opening on a Mac since 4.17.1 was released, so the crash that I received may not have been the same one that you are experiencing.
Hey ,
Thanks for your answer. I did a fresh install of the MacOs and I only installed the Unreal Engine. I installed 4.17.1 and it works. I don’t know if it was the fresh install that did it or the new version. It could be the Nvidia/Metal conflict you speak of.
I just have some questions.
Can I use Metal with my Mac as I want to try the AR Kit out?
Do the newer models face the same issue? Thinking about upgrading.
Thanks again. You can consider this post closed.
The Nvidia/Metal conflict is actually a conflict between Nvidia’s drivers for MacOS and the Metal compiler. Unfortunately it is expected that any Macs with an Nvidia card that try to use the Metal compiler (which the Engine does) will run into this issue. We have not seen anything similar occur on a Mac that uses an AMD card.
If you are using a Mac with an Nvidia card, and you do not need Metal, then 4.17.1 should be fine since it should have disabled Metal based on your hardware. If your Mac has an AMD card, you should be okay to continue using Metal.
Cool, thank you . Have a nice weekend.
Mac is
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