UE Development Environment for MacOS Monterey?

UE5 and Xcode is a nightmare. Autocomplete does not work. Period. Full stop.

Under UE4 I USED to be able to turn an Xcode project into a VSCode project (and compile, etc) using the following:

cd /Users/Shared/Epic\ Games/UE_4.XX/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac
./GenerateProjectFiles.sh -project=<path-to-dot-uproject> -game -vscode
(XX being the UE4 version number)

If I try the same thing with UE5, I get an error.

I got VSCode under UE4 to give me hinting, etc on macOS, but you have to tell it LITERALLY all the paths to all the headers. Fun it is not. But it does work. The failure is that if ANY of those files moves to a different directory, VSCode goes :sob:

If anyone has any hints I might be able to help with the other issues.


Okay, the problem I was having was porting a 4.27 project to 5.0.2.

Using the above it just wouldn’t generate a VSCode project. No way, no how.

Here’s how I got a VSCode project out of the darn thing:

  1. So I started off with a plain third party 5.0.2 file just as a test.
  2. Let it update the shaders.
  3. If it says “This project is out of date” say “Update”
  4. Tools/New C++ Class…
  5. All Classes
  6. Search for TargetPoint
  7. Create a new class named this (don’t worry about code, it’s just a dummy)
  8. Click Public (haven’t tried anything else)
  9. Keep or change the name (doesn’t matter)
  10. Create Class
  11. Okay, now the fun begins. Open a Terminal and enter the following:

cd /Users/Shared/Epic\ Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac
./GenerateProjectFiles.sh -project=<path-to-dot-uproject> -game -vscode

<path-to-dot-uproject> is obviously the path to your games xxxx.uproject file.

  1. Look in your directory and you should NOW see a file with .code-workspace — that is the VSCode workspace file!
  2. Go to VSCode and File/Open Workspace From File and select the .code-workspace
  3. Boom! (Sorta)
  4. To compile and run, go the the debug symbol
  5. At the top it will say “Launch ProjectName (Debug) (ProjectName) — THAT IS NOT IT!
  6. What you WANT is the one that says “Launch ProjectNameEditor (Development) (ProjectName)… Why? I guess to make you cry? I have no idea.

Okay, now you have the basics, how to get hinting and all of that working… Next post.

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