[UE 5.1] VisualStudio 2022 Intellisense for engine files not working in UE5

Easiest fix, and worth trying first, is to download UE off Epic’s git hub and use source version of the engine. If intellisense doesn’t work, then in the cmd, instead of just running “GenerateProjectFile.bat” try “GenerateProjectFiles.bat -Engine”. Then check to see if Intellisense is working.

Good sir, I must cordially inform you that only part of your explanation
was correct. in UE5, you must go to Tools>-Refresh Visual Studio 2022 Project / Open Visual Studio 2022. I hope this helps clarify for any developers who are struggling to find these options.

Ja ne!

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Thank you so much for writing this out, lifesaver! This also solved it for me :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Worked for me

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I had that issue with VSCode and the project_build.config file (don’t remember the exact name) but it was not including those files with the rest of target project files. I manually added the files like the other ones that were working and recompiled with success. I think the editor skipped them because your current project is not included, just a guess… I moved to Visual Studio 2022 and have not turned back – don’t forget to manually install the Visual Studios Intergration Tool manually from the Epic marketplace if your Unreal Engine version greater than 5.3.0.

wow such a simple yet effective solution :grin: