[Twitch] Unreal Engine 4.4 Release - Aug. 14, 2014

I saw the terrain demo at one of the epic dev meetups. may be a moot point if you happen to release it between now and the stream.

[Question]Are we going to be seeing the gorgeous terrain/hang glider demo ? :slight_smile:
[Question]Has or , or any non-developers made anything in UE4 yet? (accountants, anyone completely not related to development at all)


I’ve been experimenting with UE4 4.4 preview. I’m not sure how to get a widget to communicate with the Level Blueprint so that I can control a Matinee animation. I tried a couple different methods and haven’t figured it out. I’m still very new to Blueprints, but not being able to add the widget to the level like a regular blueprint actor has me a bit confused.

Thanks for your help! Great update by the way! :slight_smile:

Jason Wilhelm

Do you have any plans to release Samaritan Demo in the Marketplace? And what about Owen with all assets? In the demo Owen has cool transformation from beard man to stone dude, i definitely “i would buy that for a dollar”.

So stoked for stream! I am absolutely thrilled about the opportunity to become a Marketplace developer and can’t wait to learn more. I hope Unreal devs are itching for some music and SFX! :smiley:

We need some new ue4 t-shirts :wink:

One thing I’m curious about with UMG is how it supports the idea of ‘focus’, or authoring a HUD for use with a controller. I’m not sure based on what I’m seeing so far how I would make a controller navigable main menu, for example.

was hinted at, but not confirmed. The Oculus folks have mentioned that they are hoping the integration will make it into 4.4 release “Out of the box”. Any confirmation? I really only signed up for UE4 for their support of Oculus, and now that the time has come, I’ve been pretty disappointed that I can’t do dev work with it. (yes I can github it, but my time is very limited). I hope they get out for 4.4, but as you said, my hopes aren’t high. Can we get a yes or no from the devs?

    • one for -> the preview picture in the marketplace looks really good and it would be cool to see more of it
  1. was a beta tester, so I think he already made some stuff with it :wink:

Yeah. I’ve been working in the engine for quite some time, and have a couple of unpublished projects, so im probably not the best test case for the question :wink:

Hi, dont know if the question was already made but, we will able to use sprite-flipbook in Umg for better animations?

And second question, what about game localisation? How the engine handle the translation, in Umg for exemple.

ok , you are officially excluded :stuck_out_tongue: happy?

Do I count? I try to squeeze time with the engine at home (between keeping 2 very young kids entertained) for my hobby projects, but I haven’t made something I’d be willing to show anyone else yet. For the record, I haven’t checked anything into the Epic perforce server since at least 2010. I’ve written lots of emails though! :slight_smile:

Heck yes we do! And we need some new designs, specifically something with plaid for all the programmers out there!

+1 for plaid.

Once coder, forever coder!

Oh don’t be shy, I’m 100% once you show it, there will lots of people willing to jump a ship and help :smiley:

Great job with UMG so far !

Its incredibly easy to get menus and HUDs setup and working in UMG, will we see an example workflow for getting some drag-drop functionality going on at some time ?

  • MrNexy

I le take 10 of them please :slight_smile:

Did MattK and NickD’s slaving away after last week pay off enough to see 3D UMG in action?

Interested in seeing more of the animation/blending improvements in 4.4

Wouldn’t mind seeing more of Fortnite’s modular destructible buildings as well if possible.

Also want to give a shout out to DayofWar’s Marching Cubes/Smooth Voxel terrain thread: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?27357-Marching-Cubes-Terrain-objects

I asked during the last stream but I’m not sure someone was able to answer.

Can you detail the recent changes to the Script Plugin and also how you might make your own script integration from within the game source instead of recompiling the engine?

Relevant: https://github/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/831e3ac10acef503c21fb697c4fc9a5cf57628e4

Also when can I get one of those $#!T JUST GOT UNREAL t-shirts?

Hey Epic,

Just curious about particle creation at epic games.

What tools (e.g. FumeFX) do you guys use to make particles systems for the Unreal Tech demos?