[Tutorial] Very basic dialogue system

Why it might not work on 1.12.5?

Anyone a full tutorial for newbies. I can’t complete it don’t know where to put what.
Or any download link please

Load Dialog Runs 2 times and makes the array 0 please help.

It’s system more clarity and effective then epics wiki. Devs, please update it.

Thank you!

Hi i was wondering if anyone is still active here, i am one of those who is in need of help. I managed to make it through, lots of errors but i fixed those, but except one, the set text(text)node.

i cant connect the Npc Response text variable and the Choice text variable to it.

(Text object reference is not compatible with text render component object reference)

Both Npc Response text variable and the Choice text are set as variable inside the dialoguescreen and choice widget.

Hope a kind soul can enlighten me on this.