[TUTORIAL] Blutility - Running Blueprint functions inside Editor

No, is not fixed, but the workaround from TommyBear still works.

Just tried it with my own project in 4.14.3, and yes, it does package, at least for Windows.

Would be awesome if in the future Epic gives some love to this feature, but I doubt it.

Got PM asking the engine modification for showing blutility function as button instead of drop down menu, finally got time today to rewrite the necessary code. For anyone might be interested, here’s the code:



Has anyone sorted out the issue of components inside actors created with Blutility disappearing?

Maybe something to do with having to register the Actor as a blueprint instead of an actor for it to contain components? If I click convert actor to blueprint the components have disappeared by the time the blueprint is created.

As a workaround I’m thinking of spawning in premade blueprints and rearrange existing components within them, rather than spawn in an actor and add components

Hi sorry for digging a old post, is it possible to modify default variables of assets (like) Position of the BluePrint of a character that is not instantiated on the map?

As far as I know from my tests I can reference only “Classes” from the GlobalEditorUtilityBase. UE 4.15, so I would need at least a way to access default variables of a class since modifying the asset directly is not possible…

Any insight? thanks.

Still have the same problem and need a way to edit blueprint assets from blutility (stuff like changing variables values)

Is there Any development going on with Blutility ? Or will this be replaced by Phyton scripting ? -> Trello

Hi guys,

Im using 4.26 and 4.27 , i cant enable blutility in the editor preferances, the option isnt there at all.
why is that? has it been discontinued? Im trying to use an asset i bought called “instant material creation” that requires blutility enabled, cant find it anywhere


What’s this Blutility ?
[AssetLog] E:\UnrealEngine-release\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Content\Tutorial\InWorldBlueprintEditing\TutorialAssets\IWBE_Blutility.uasset: Default__IWBE_Blutility_C is not valid. See the MapCheck log messages for details.

Hi, I wanna know how to modify a blueprint in Blutility(AssetAction or Widget Utility is ok)

Wanna change a blueprint asset and its component, everything like in blueprint editor. I don’t wanna do this in editor since I want to handle it fast.

My Current Situation:
I study some video, and I know how to change a material in Blutility. But I am stucking in the “Cast To MyActorClass”, it will always fail and said the Class is “Blueprint” not actor.

I will be very appreciated if you can help me. Thanks!