TSR feedback thread

You are correct about the film thing.
In fact, a lot of people from that subreddit(including me) are against games mimicking movies because well, for the reasons you said. For most of us, SMAA is our gold standard, gets rid of Aliasing and sharper than blurry FXAA. (And it’s not expensive btw)

I think mimicking a blurry industry is completely stupid but sadly for my team that is a minority opinion.
For me as a dev, forget film, I want to mimic real life.
Real-life doesn’t smear or look blurry to me lol.

But personally, we’re just tired of games being looking so bad and more and more people are becoming aware of how bad temporal algorithms are.
The worst part is out leading innovators are on the "blurry’ side you mentioned.

Games are losing their identity. These studio’s only care about that way the game looks in a screenshot or cutscenes and not about the majority state of scene(gameplay/motion).

Good to hear your thoughts on the Topic. I really enjoyed reading your industry comparison.

Having terrible problems with fast moving niagara projectiles smearing. They are high emissive and they leave awful streaks behind them. Happens with fast moving static meshes attached to the projectile too but nowhere near as bad.

Pretty sure its from a mix of upscaling and tsr.
Any tips on how to solve this? Im using 5.2.

My temporary fix is to set them to render after tonemapper and add in a depth fade to the opacity but this obviously isnt ideal.

But this 2nd video looks nothing like the first one consider it lost almost all light contributing to the scene somewhere ~50 meters? And also lose the light source. Like yes the flickering will make the overall result looks bad but I think it’s a “better” output lighting wise compare to 2nd video. Once people fix that flicker it’s superior result.

Does this work on mobile? If yes. Which is better fsr 1 mobile plugin or TSR for mobile?

If it does not work on mobile, Do you plan to release it in the future for mobile? Or maybe release fsr 2 for mobile? or maybe an update better version of fsr1 for mobile?

hey guys, I got this problem with anti aliasing and Epic’s Water plugin: when camera is underwater there’s post processing happening that for some reason introduces tiny, wild flicker around every mesh
the more bright background the more it stands out. Mind that it’s not specific to TSR, every available AA method makes it flicker, except for disabling AA altogether…

Huh ok.

I did more testing on this. So you take a static mesh with a high emissive and move it around the viewport, the motion velocity all works fine and there is no smearing.

You take the same mesh and put it in a blueprint as a static mesh component and move the blueprint around and the mesh does not pass its velocity and you get horrible smearing. If you move the component itself the velocity is properly set.

So static mesh components are not inheriting the velocity of the parent blueprint.


I am getting this really weird swimming in pixels where when I examine in a still frame, pixels seem to be swimming diagonally back and forth. It causes huge issues because of our baked motion vectors, so upon sampling the edge, it goes back and forth between the baked motion vector and and then 0 from the background. It produces this high frequency smear and swimming effect. It does not happen on any other AA method. This is on cinematic quality.

Geometry caches are exhibiting severe ghosting with TSR.


I once pointed out problems in game trailers you ended up dismissing as youtube compression.

This trailer is perfect example showing in inadequacy of TSR’s design. These issues are present in many games, but this is undeniable Temporal faulting on video:

The res is so high they introduce major performance issues in a game where panning is the main interaction and it destroys modern monitors with persistence blur.

1:18: Leaves, so bad.
3:25: Long ghosting on clubbing object.
4:19 (hair)This is why a frame limit is so serious.
5:15 that girls hair looks like a slimy mess.

Now, the motion smear from fast motion isn’t going to be exposed by the main/slow gameplay. A frame limit and more effective sampling in a shorter sequence would prevent most of these issues.

I’ve already given detials responses of how TSR could be improved here, here. So far the best thing about TSR is the reprojection and ability to sort spatial upscaled N- frames.

I’m not sure how many spatial upscalers you’ve tested. But FSR1 performance is more accurate in terms of texture detail when compared to DLSS performance with only 2 frames of resolve.

You also need to move away from FXAA. Really poor quality.

I followed the instructions you posted and got the result of ProfileGPU like your example. But one thing I am confused about is how to upscale the captured image with TSR; TemporalSuperResolution() 1024x1024 → 1024x1024 seems no difference between the render resolution and the display resolution(render target resolution as well).
Maybe something like ScreenPercentage should be set with SceneCapture? I tried to change the ScreenPercentage at Engine Scalability Settings and the upscaling info about the client viewport changed as I expected, but the info about the SceneCapture didn’t change(render resolution and display resolution are always the same). I’m not quite sure if ScreenPercentage is valid about SceneCapture since I read some source code(UE 5.3) about SceneCaptureRendering and found the comment, “Screen percentage is still not supported in scene capture”.
Is there something I missed? How to upscale SceneCapture image with TSR from low render resolution to high display resolution?