TSR feedback thread

I just want to say I’ve been broadly very happy with the results from TSR, and I want to use it but I’ve had to disable it specifically because of two issues I’ve encountered with how TSR behaves compared to TAA when using Lumen and Nanite.

  1. Dense Nanite meshes have pixel height holes in them that are visible with TSR, but partly mitigated by using TAA.
  2. Lumen’s screen traces pick up translucent emissive surfaces when using TSR, but not when using TAA.

It’s frustrating because I don’t think TSR is responsible for either of these behaviors. The holes in Nanite meshes seems to be intrinsic to how Nanite works, they’re just less noticeable with TAA. Lumen’s problem specifically seems to be caused by its own screen traces, which for some inexplicable reason behave differently when TSR is used.

I’ve tried reporting these as bugs to no avail, I’m not even sure what the intended behavior is supposed to be.

I’d really like to know how you are managing these problems at Epic, if at all… Because so far the best solution I have come up with is to simply go back to using TAA.