TSR feedback thread


Yes enabling the TemporalAA showflag (still named this way for legacy reason) is important on the scene capture. Then you also need set two other settings on your scene capture:

  1. The TemporalAA show flag as you already did
  2. Capture source: because some capture source don’t run the post processing chain where FXAA, TAA or TSR are
  3. Either set “capture every frame” or 'always persistent rendering state", so you get a rendering state of the view to keep TAA/TSR histories accumulating frames overtime.

With all of this set up you should be good to go, but always worth double checking with ProfileGPU or DumpGPU that TSR is actuall running your scene capture. Note you can set the profiling event name of your scene capture to more easily identify it in ProfileGPU, DumpGPU or other third party GPU debugging tool like renderdoc or pix.

Here is an example with ProfileGPU:

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