Transparent UMG Edges

thank you very much for sharing what you ve been able to do! that was useful, and I managed to get what I wanted with some edits :wink:

@BurritoGoblin , did you or anyone else reading ever get rid of the black background?

Any advice would be appreciated.


I think maybe this issue needs to be flagged as a bug in the engine.

Try it like this:



@Everynone Wow! That did it. All that was missing was multiplying in the RGBA pin from the Texture sample. Thank you so much.

Here’s my final material for making a procedural faded square mask for use with a retainer box.

Now if only I could figure this issue HERE, my pop-up menu would be complete.

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Maybe a daft question, but how do you get the RGBA pin to show up?

its new in 4.22

Technically, it should be just alpha I think. Updated it.

Thank you @MC1RScorpion and @Everynone

Just paying it forward…to everyone here, be sure to set your retainer material blending to Alpha Composite (Premultiplied Alpha), otherwise your colors will be all wrong. Good luck!


Thank you so much! This helped me figure out how to fade my scroll boxes and make them look nice!