Transform skeletal bone in C++

#Skeletal Controller Single Bone + Custom C++ Anim Instance

In your Anim BP

Make a Skeletal Controller for Single Bone

Extend your Anim BP class, making your own AnimInstance class that has your custom FTransform or FVector or FRotator Vars in it

Then set these vars any time from anywhere c++ after accessing your custom anim instance.

You can even implement custom logic in the tick of the animation instance itself!

#My Wiki Tutorials

Custom Anim BP Vars in C++

Custom Logic in Anim BP Tick in C++


You can modify animations that are playing if the Skeletal Controller is applied after the animation blends / montages / Slots

It’s easy to use

Can do it with multiple bones and handle each case separately without one interfering with the other, enabling/disabling each modification as per your C++ logic / gameplay flow



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