Training Stream - Basics of AI - April 14th, 2015

I missed this, ****.

Are these archived somewhere? Maybe on Twitch?

Like the other streams it will most probably appear on youtube in a few days.

Would be awesome to see advanced A.I. on the next twitch stream :smiley:

If you need to find past streams just go to Twitch. If you’re patient, it takes a few days to end up on Youtube.

Thanks for the links Wolf!

I’m playing around with the stuff i watched in this livestream and i have a question, my A.I. Character make a little “stop” when reach a point and start go to the next point like this

How can i make the transition more smooth?


I am trying to spawn an AI actor to follow a path. If I place the AI into the world, it works great. I have a variable “DesiredNode”, and its value is “PathNode”, which tells the AI to go to the first node in the path. But when I spawn them into the world, the DesiredNode appears, but the value comes in as None. Does anyone have any experience with this and know a work around? I believe its a known bug. I am trying to figure out a way to get the spawned AI to the first node in the path. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!