The epic could implement this tool in the unreal, qt creator is much better than Visual Studio for C ++
Good hint about doxygen
Thanks for sharing
The epic could implement this tool in the unreal, qt creator is much better than Visual Studio for C ++
Good hint about doxygen
Thanks for sharing
Version 0.3 beta released
So, I finally got some spare time to work on the tool and here it is:
The beta of the highly improved version 0.3
The generation process is now fully automated (configuration only during first run).
The tool should now also work for custom builds of UE4 (git version)
Fixed problems with perforce (thanks to Ypsylon)
Bug fixes
Executable renamed to uProGen.exe (easier to type in cmd)
Note: For optimal usability I recommend adding this tool’s folder to the PATH variable.
You can then just execute uProGen from a CMD window inside your project folder and it will require no further input for the generation.
(Of course you can still enter the project path manually when launching the tool from a non-project folder)
Note: This will most likely be the last major version of the tool as I consider it more or less complete.
Note: I have only tested this version on my computer. Bugs can be reported on GitHub. The source code of this version can be found in the testing branch of the repository.
How can I add unreal source code to the project? UnrealEngine does it untomaticaly for VS. This is like almost the only thing that is missing to me.
Edit 1:
Also support for plugins would be great.