April 20, 2023, 2:01pm
Okay but,
Using Console commands for Shadow Quality and texture quality once the project has been packaged and installed does not work.
So a “graphics” menu is useless as I make use of sg.ShadowQuality and sg.TextureQuality…
Or am I doing anything wrong?
Currently i am doing a AR project for Architecture . But on that shadow is coming like this. Some kind of square boundary showing around the main Square ( that area Shadow is not generating) also shadow appearing like square blocks(not smooth)
. Please give a Solution for this
November 26, 2023, 12:03am
I know this thread is a bit old but. This guide for does not work for 5.03 I have been fighting with it for over a week.
I get my game looking awesome and the shadows all work, dynamics all work, but soon as i swap too Android ES31 it all goes away.
I have checked all my settings 10 times +
I could use some one to bounce ideas off!.
Thanks in advance,
January 22, 2024, 5:37am
stepped shadows, how to solve this problem?